Creating Exchange Retention Policies


Exchange retention policies determine the default value for how long messages are retained on the MediaAgent.

Following are the various Exchange Retention Policy types:

  1. Received Time Based Retention: You can configure message-level retention based on the message's received time. This option is recommended for archiving use case.


    Retention operation is triggered by a background process that by default, runs every 24 hours. Once messages expire, they cannot be restored.

  2. Deletion Time Based Retention: You can configure message-level retention based on the message's deletion time. This option is recommended for backup use case and is applicable for Exchange Online and Exchange On-Premise configuration using Exchange Web Services.

  3. Retention rules based on Exchange retention tags: You can use retention tags to configure message-level retention based on compliance and retention policies. Retention tags control how long various messages are stored on the Exchange server. For more information see, Retention Tags for Exchange Mailbox Agent.


    Retention operation is triggered by a background process that by default, runs every 24 hours. Once messages expire, they cannot be restored.



  • The Exchange Mailbox Agent uses the retention rules that are defined in the Exchange retention policy. The agent does not use the retention rules that are defined in the storage policy.

  • The Retain messages indefinitely retention rule is applied by default. If you do not assign a retention policy, the Retain messages indefinitely retention rule is assigned automatically and messages are retained indefinitely.

This procedure describes the steps to create the retention policies.


  1. From the CommCell Console, expand Policies > Configuration Policies.

  2. Right-click Exchange Policies, and then click New Retention Policy.

    The Create New Retention Policy dialog box appears.

  3. On the General tab, in the Policy Name box, type name of the policy.

  4. You can select any one of the following Retention mode types:

    • Received Time Based Retention

    • Deletion Time Based Retention

  5. Define the default retention rule for all messages by doing either of the following:

    • If you want to define a limited number of days, select Retain for n days based on received time, and then type the number of days that the message is retained.

    • If you want to define an unlimited retention period, select Retain messages indefinitely.

  6. Optional:

    • On the Advanced tab, select Enable retention rules based on Exchange retention tags.
  7. Click OK.

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