Creating the Global Secondary Copy Policy Using the Command Line Interface


To consolidate backups from multiple storage policy copies on one media, you can create a global secondary copy policy through the command line. You must use the createsp.xml configuration file, which contains the parameters required for creating the a global secondary copy policy.


  1. Log on to the CommServe by running the qlogin command.

  2. Download the createsp.xml file and save it on the computer from where the command will be run.

  3. Choose one of the following methods to create a global secondary copy policy:

    • Using the XML configuration file to specify command line arguments:

      1. In a text or XML editor, open the createsp.xml file and change the XML element values.

      2. Run the following command from the software_installation_directory\Base directory:

        qoperation execute -af <download location>\createsp.xml

    • Using the XML configuration file to pass input parameters in the command line:

      1. Run the following command from the software_installation_directory\Base directory:

        qoperation execute -af '<download location>\createsp.xml' -storagePolicyName 'storage_policy_name' -library/libraryName 'tape_library_name' -mediaAgentName 'mediaagent_name' -drivePool/drivePoolName 'drive_pool_name' -drivePool/LibraryName 'tape_library_name' -spareMediaGroup/spareMediaGroupName 'spare_media_group_name' -globalAuxCopyPolicy 'SET_TRUE' -spareMediaGroup/libraryName 'tape_library_name'

        For more information on parameters, see Elements for Creating the Global Secondary Copy Policy.


To create a global secondary copy policy run the following command:

  • Using the XML configuration file as command line argument:

    In the XML configuration file, the following elements are modified:

    qoperation execute -af <download location>\createsp.xml

  • Using the XML configuration file to pass input parameters:

    qoperation execute -af '<download location>\createsp.xml' -storagePolicyName 'gacp22' -library/libraryName 'tape48' -mediaAgentName 'ssrv11' -drivePool/drivePoolName 'dp48' -drivePool/LibraryName 'tape48' -spareMediaGroup/spareMediaGroupName 'Default Scratch' -globalAuxCopyPolicy 'SET_TRUE' -spareMediaGroup/libraryName 'tape48'

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