Creating a Send Connector for the On-Premises Exchange Server


On the Exchange server, create the Send connector that sends the journal reports to the ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP).

The domain name must be a non-existent domain. You must use the same domain for the remote domain, the mail contact, the Send connector, and the journal rules.


For load balancing and fault tolerance, use multiple SMTP servers (smart hosts) and multiple Exchange servers (transport servers).

Before You Begin

You must have a thorough understanding of journaling and of creating Send connectors on the Exchange server. Consult the Microsoft documentation before you create a Send connector. For example, see the article on the Microsoft TechNet site that corresponds with your version of Exchange.


In this example, you create a Send connector using Exchange PowerShell.

  1. Start Exchange PowerShell.

  2. Create a Send connector by typing the following command.

    new-SendConnector -Name 'Domain' -Usage 'Custom' -AddressSpaces 'SMTP:*;1' -IsScopedConnector $false -DNSRoutingEnabled $false –SmartHosts '[]','[]','[]' -SmartHostAuthMechanism 'None' -UseExternalDNSServersEnabled $false -SourceTransportServers 'EXSERVER-1','EXSERVER-2','EXSERVER-3','EXSERVER-4'


    Name: The name of the Send connector.

    Usage: Use the value Custom.

    AddressSpaces: Use * in the address space to indicate that this connector is used to send messages to the recipient (which is in this example), cost: 1.

    SmartHosts: The name or IP address of the of the ContentStore Mail Server (SMTP).

    SourceTransportServers: The name of the Exchange server. For Exchange 2007 and 2010, it is the name of the Hub Transport Server. For Exchange 2013 and 2016, it is the name of the Mailbox server.

What to Do Next

On the Exchange server, create the journal rules.

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