Exchange Database Properties (General)


Use this tab to obtain general information on the selected Exchange Database Agent.

Client Name

Displays the name of the client computer.

iDataAgent/Agent Type

Displays the name of the agent.

Installed date

Displays the date on which the Exchange package was installed or upgraded on the client computer.

Backup Type

Specifies the preselected backup level. This determines which data is secured by an Exchange Database backup that is not a full backup.

  • Incremental specifies that each non-full Exchange Database backup secures only that data that has changed since the last backup of any type.

  • Differential specifies that each non-full Exchange Database backup secures all data that has changed since the last full backup.

Exchange Administrator Account

Displays the Exchange Administrator Account for the site in which this Exchange Server resides.

Change Account

Click and populate the resulting dialog box only if you changed the Exchange Administrator Account and it now differs from the one displayed in the Exchange Administrator Account field.


Specifies whether Microsoft's Exchange Writer will perform a full backup of the selected subclient using a VSS shadow copy. When cleared, disables Microsoft's Exchange Writer backups for the selected subclient.

CCR Options

A group of options that apply to for an Exchange Database Agent that uses Exchange 2007 servers that are configured for Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR). These options must have the Use VSS option enabled.

  • Backup from replica

    Specifies whether to back up the database from a CCR replica using VSS shadow copy. When this option is selected, backups performed for all subclients on this agent will use VSS to back up the replica database.

  • Backup on active node if passive node is unavailable

    Specifies whether to back up the database from the active node of a CCR cluster using VSS shadow copy, in cases where the passive node is not available (for example, failover will cause the passive node to become the active node, after which the passive node is unavailable). When this option is selected, backups performed for all subclients on this agent will use VSS to back up the database from the active node of a CCR cluster when the passive node is not available.


    When this option is selected, the software attempts to run the backup from the active node if database replication is in a suspended state.

Exchange Server Name

Displays the name of the Exchange Server that is installed on the client computer. Use this space to modify this server name if the name displayed is incorrect (for example, not the same as the Client name or Host name).

Exchange Version

Click the available list to select the Exchange Server Version that is installed on the client computer.

Copy Backup

When selected, Copy Backup is enabled and log files will not be truncated. When cleared, Copy Backup is disabled and log files will be truncated.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, and so on.

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