Expert Storage Configuration - Overview


The Expert Storage Configuration is used to perform the following operations on all supported libraries for the selected MediaAgents.




Displays the existing libraries and drives that are configured for the selected MediaAgents.

Detect Devices

Displays the detect status for all devices that are controlled by MediaAgents.

Configure libraries, master drive pools, drive pools, and drives

Library configuration enables MediaAgents to utilize the library as storage resources.

Master drive pool and drive pool configuration creates the necessary entries for these entities in the CommServe database. Drive configuration enables a MediaAgent to read and write data through the media drive.

Share libraries among MediaAgents

In order to share a library among MediaAgents, either directly or through a Storage Area Network (SAN), you must properly configure and map the resident drives.

Discover media

In order to use the media within a library, the MediaAgent must collect information about the new media and update the media database through the discovery process.

Validating SCSI mapping of storage devices within the CommCell

The Validate feature verifies that the MediaAgent has access to each physical device through the device’s mapped SCSI address. During the validation process, the MediaAgent mounts a media into the selected drives and displays a status message indicating whether the operation succeeded.

Modifying the SCSI mapping of storage devices

The Expert Storage Configuration supports the manual process to deal with SCSI changes on the library and drives, if necessary.

The MediaAgent detects any SCSI changes when you stop and re-start the services as described in Update the SCSI address of a configured library within the CommServe database. You can also verify whether the SCSI configuration of devices within the CommCell correctly matches the current configuration, by performing an exhaustive detection.

View properties of libraries, master drive pools, drive pools, and drives

Configuration information of libraries, master drive pools, drive pools and drives can be viewed from the Expert Storage Configuration.

Deconfigure libraries, master drive pools, drive pools, and drives

Deconfiguring a library or drive disables software communications between the MediaAgent and the device.

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