Formatting Data for Components in the Report Builder


You can configure the format for displaying data in charts.

Before You Begin

  • Build a Report

  • To build and deploy reports, your CommCell user account requires a role with the Add Report permission and an association with the CommCell entity.


  1. On the Web Console for the Private Metrics Reporting Server, click Reports.

    The Worldwide Dashboard appears.

  2. To open a report where you have already added a data set, from the navigation pane, click Configuration> Reports, and next to the Report Name under Actions, click Edit.

  3. Add and configure any of the following component types:

  4. Select the table, chart, or other component, and, on the Properties tab, click Fields fields_tab.

  5. Access the formatting options for charts, tables, or other components:

    • For charts, configure the measure and dimension:

      • Under Measure, expand a measure, and then beside Formatter, click None.

        chart measure formatter

      • Under Dimension, next to Formatter, click None.

    • For columns, expand a column, and then beside Formatter, click None.

      column formatter

    • For other components, under Measure, beside Formatter, click Custom.

      component measure formatter

    At the bottom of the page, the Formatter dialog box appears.

    formatter dialog box

  6. From the Type list, select a type, and then configure the available options:

    • Custom: Click Add Expression.

      The Code Editor dialog box appears.

      • To configure the component behavior, enter Javascript code.

      • Click Save.

    • Boolean: From the Format list, select Tick/Cross.

    • Date: From the Format list, select any of the available options, such as MM-DD-YYYY.

    • Duration: From the Source is in list, select the size format for the source data, such as Milliseconds.

    • Link: From the onClick list, select the operation that runs when the report user clicks the link, such as Run a workflow or URL.

      To define a variable in a URL, enclose the variable in curly brackets ({}), such as /{{row.nID}}.

    • Number: From the Format list, select any of the available options, such as Comma Separated.

    • Size: Select values for the source data (collected from the database) and target data (displayed in the component), and then specify the number of decimal places to display for the target data:

      • From the Source is in list, select the size format for the source data, such as Bytes.

      • From the Target should be in list, select the size format that displays in the component, such as TB.

      • From the Precision list, select the number of decimal places to display in the component, such as 10.

      formatter size

  7. Click Apply.

    The data appears in the format that you specified.

  8. To save this version of your report specification in the Reports Manager, at the top of the Report Builder page, click Save.

  9. To make the report available to end users on the Reports page, at the top of the page, click Deploy.

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