Managing Commvault VTL 2.0 Services

Commvault VTL 2.0 services are automatically started during system startup, by default. You can delete the service from the startup list to prevent it from starting automatically, and then manually start and stop the services, as needed.

  • To disable the service from the startup list:

    1. First verify whether the service is enabled in the startup list:

      # systemctl list-unit-files | grep commvaultvtl

      Output similar to the following may be displayed:

      commvaultvtl.service                       enabled
    2. If the service is enabled, disable the service from the startup list:

      # systemctl disable commvaultvtl.service
    3. After a reboot, verify that the service is disabled from the startup list:

      # systemctl list-unit-files | grep commvaultvtl

      Output similar to the following should be displayed:

      commvaultvtl.service                       disabled
  • To manually start the service:

    # systemctl start commvaultvtl.service
  • To manually stop the service:

    # systemctl stop commvaultvtl.service
