Mount Path Properties (General)


Use this dialog box to view or modify the mount path properties of a cloud storage library.


  • Mount Path

    The path to which the data is written to and read from.

  • Free Space

    Not available for cloud storage.

  • Size on Disk

    The total amount of backup data that is stored in the mount path.

    By default, the size information will not be updated. To update this information, enable the Process volume size updates for cloud mount paths option in Media Management Configuration - Service Configuration tab.

    This option is not applicable for cloud storage libraries in Direct Glacier.


Not available for cloud storage.

  • Description

    Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, and so on.


  • Status

    The status of the mount path.

  • Enable Mount Path

    Select this option to bring the mount path online and make it available for use. Clear this option to take the mount path offline. (To disable the mount path for write operations and make the data available for read operations, use the Disable mount path for write in the Allocation Policytab.

    A mount path's online/offline status reflects its logical availability to the MediaAgent, not its physical availability. For example, a mount path can be enabled even if it is physically unavailable due to hardware failure.

  • Offline Reason

    Indicates the offline reason, when the Status of the mount path is displayed as Offline.


The following information is displayed for shared static mount paths.

  • Device Alias Name

    The alias provided by the user, for the device. The alias can be changed at any time without affecting the ability to restore data that may have already been backed up using the library.

  • Device Enabled

    When selected, the device is enabled and available for use.

    When cleared the device is disabled and hence inaccessible to the MediaAgent.

    A device's online/offline status reflects its logical availability to the MediaAgent, not its physical availability. For example, a device can be enabled even if it is physically unavailable due to hardware failure.

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