Open Commvault VTL 2.0 Web Management Interface using a web browser.
Add a default admin user to access the Web Management Interface in the VTL host using the following command:
/commvaultvtl/bin/vtuser -a -u <username> --p <passwd>
Optionally add a read-only user using the following command:
/commvaultvtl/bin/vtuser -a -u <username> --p <passwd> -r
User name should be greater then 8 characters and less than 256 characters and can include 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ (underscore), and - (hyphen).
Passwords should NOT include spaces, : (colon), = (equal sign), \ (backslash), ' (single quotation mark), and " (double quotation mark).
If a special character is used, it should be enclosed within single quotation marks (' ').
Open a web browser and type the IP address of the Commvault VTL 2.0.
Use https instead of http.
Login using the admin credentials that you added:
UserName: <username>
Password: <passwd>
The System Information page appears.