Preparing Your Environment to Hide the CommServe Database SQL Server Instance


By default, the CommServe software uses the Microsoft SQL Server Browser service to enable clients and other Commvault applications to connect to the CommServe database through dynamic ports. If you want to prevent the CommServe database instance from being exposed by the SQL Server Browser service, you can configure the CommServe database to use a static port and turn off the SQL Server Browser service.

Before You Begin

  • You must have ODBC Data Source Administrator installed on your CommServe Computer.


  1. On the CommServe computer, configure the Microsoft SQL Server that is running the CommServe database to use a static port.

    For instructions, see Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port on the Microsoft SQL Server documentation website.

  2. To validate that the CommServe SQL Server is using the correct port number, do one or both of the following:

    • View the SQL Server error log. The new port number should appear in the log.

      For instructions, see View the SQL Server error log on the Microsoft SQL Server documentation website.

    • In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the SQL Server using the following string:



      • CommServeHostName is the host name of the CommServe computer

      • newPortNumber is the new, static port number for the CommServe SQL Server

  3. For each SQL Server instance installed in your environment that makes connections to the CommServe database, including the CommServe computer, create a server alias for the CommServe SQL Server instance using the following values:



    Example Value

    Alias Name

    Enter CommServeHostName*\Commvault**, where *CommServeHostName is the host name of the CommServe computer.


    Port No

    Enter the static port number configured for the CommServe SQL Server instance.



    Enter the protocol to connect to the server (TCP/IP).



    Enter the same value as in Alias Name.


    For instructions, see Create or Delete a Server Alias for Use by a Client on the Microsoft SQL Server documentation website.

  4. Add same above alias for all remote server machines (such as the Web Server) that are connected to the CommServer.

  5. On the CommServe computer, configure the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to include the new CommServe SQL Server port number as follows:

    1. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator.

    2. On the System DSN tab, from the System Data Sources table, select a data source , and then click Configure.

      The Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration dialog box appears.

    3. Under Which SQL Server do you want to connect to?, in the Server box, change the value to:


      where CommServeHostName is the host name of the CommServe computer and newPortNumber is the new, static port number for the CommServe SQL Server (for example, COMMSERVE\Commvault,5678).

    4. To each remote server agent machine that has the SQL Server DSN configuration for the CommServer machine, update the DSN information.

    5. Click Finish.

  6. Update sINSTANCE registry on all machines including the CommServer and remote Web Servers, and sWFINSTANCE registry on the Workflow Engine computer, to the Cluster SQL Server Host IP, SQL Server Static Port >\Commvault that has static IP configured in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\Database.

  7. Restart all the services on the CommServer machine and the remote Web Server machine.

  8. To the CommServe computer, add the additional settings as shown in the following table.

Additional setting







Enter the static port number of the CommServe SQL Server instance.




Enter the static port number of the CommServe SQL Server instance.




Enter the static port number of the CommServe SQL Server instance.

For instructions about adding an additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Adding or Modifying Additional Settings from the CommCell Console.

  1. To update the proxy host name and the proxy port for registered CommCells on the CommServer machine, run the SetDBProxy script using the following command:

    qscript -f SetDBProxy.sqle -i CommCellName proxyHostName proxyPortNumber

    For information about QScripts, see QScripts on the Command Line.

What to Do Next

  1. Verify that you can start and run your Commvault applications.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Microsoft SQL Server documentation to hide the CommServe database instance and stop the SQL Browser Service:

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