

You can browse and restore backed up data for your subclient or an entire backup set.

Restore Methods

You can restore the backed up data by using the following methods:

  • CommCell Console

    You can perform the following restores:

    • Direct restore

    • Browse and restore

    • Find and restore

  • Explorer Plug-In

    Use the Commvault Explorer Plug-In, which is an add-on to Microsoft Windows Explorer, to access your backed-up data directly from Windows.

  • Command Line

    The command line interface provides a way to restore data from the command line, as an alternative to the CommCell Console, where various restore options can be specified either as parameters on the command line or in a separate arguments file. For more information, see Command Line documentation.

Choosing the Appropriate Restore Strategy

When you are choosing a restore method, there are many options to consider for a successful restore operation.


To what degree do you want to restore the data?


Restore method

Restore all or part of a client's data

Basic Restore or Browse and Restore from the CommCell Console.

CommCell Console is not available, but the media is intact.

Media Explorer

Not sure of the exact data to be restored, but can specify a matching pattern

Restore Data Using Filters

Restore the full system (operating system and application) on a client

Full System Recovery

Restore a CommServe

CommServe Recovery Assistant Tool


Do you want to restore the from the latest available backup data or from a previous point-in-time?


Restore method

Browse and restore to a point-in-time

Browse and restore from the latest data

Browse the Latest Data

Point-in-time data restore

Time Range Options for Basic Restore.


Do you need to restore from a specific source object?


Restore method

Restore from any configured library in the CommCell

Restore From Anywhere

Restore from a specific media resource

Restore Data Using a Specific MediaAgent, Library or Drive Pool

Restore or recover data from the storage policy copy using a specified copy precedence number

Advanced Restore Options (Copy Precedence)


Where is the data being restored to?


Restore method

General overview

Restore Destinations

Restore data to the same location on the same client from which the data was backed up

In-Place Restore

Restore data to a different location on the same client, or to a different client

Out-of-Place Restore

Restore individual files and folders to different locations specified in a map file

Restore Data Using a Map File


Does the restore involve any version considerations?


Restore method

Restore data to a different application version

Cross-Application Restores

Restore data to a different operating system version

Cross-Platform Restores

Restore an older version of a file

Browse Multiple Versions of a File

Full System Recovery: Windows File System Agent

List Media