Seeding an Initial Baseline to Google Transfer Appliance


Data can be migrated to Google Cloud storage using the Google Transfer Appliance by seeding an initial baseline directly on the appliance. Subsequently, once the data from the appliance is migrated and available in Google Cloud storage, backups or auxiliary copy operations can be run directly to the cloud storage.

Use this procedure to migrate data by writing directly to the Appliance through NFS share using Linux MediaAgent.

Before You Begin


  1. To copy the data using NFS share, mount the Transfer Appliance on a Linux MediaAgent using the commands described in

  2. Once the mount is complete, perform the following steps to configure the Cloud Storage Library using the mount location:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, expand Storage Resources.

    2. Right-click Libraries, click Add, and then click Cloud Storage Library.

    3. In the Name box, type the name of the cloud storage library.

    4. From the Type list, select Google Cloud Storage.

    5. From the MediaAgent list, select the name of the Linux MediaAgent in which the appliance is mounted.

    6. In the Service Host box, add the path in which the NFS Share was mounted.

      For example, if the appliance was mounted using the following command:

      sudo mount /mnt/data

      Provide the path as /mnt/data.

    7. From the Credential list, create a credential with appropriate Access Key ID and Secret Access Key values.

    8. In the Bucket box, type an appropriate bucket name.

    9. From the Storage Class list, select the appropriate storage class.

    10. From the Location list, select an appropriate region

    11. Click OK.

    For additional information on the options, see Add / Edit Cloud Storage - Google Cloud Storage.

  3. Run a backup and/or an Auxiliary Copy operation.

    For more information, see Full Backups or Performing an Auxiliary Copy Operation.

  4. Disable all write operations on the library. (This will ensure that no additional data is written in the library during the migration process.)

    For more information about disabling write operations, see Marking a Library Offline for Maintenance.

  5. Disable data aging on the library. (This will ensure that no data is aged off from the library during the migration process.)

    For more information about disabling data aging, see Enable or Disable Pruning of Aged Data.

  6. Move the base folder to the same level as the bucket folder.

    • For example, if the data was written under /mnt/data/My_Bucket_Name/L8PN5Z_08.30.2018_16.57, then move the base folder (L8PN5Z_08.30.2018_16.57) under /mnt/data/

      After the move you should have the /mnt/data/L8PN5Z_08.30.2018_16.57 folder

    • Use the following command to move the folder:

      mv /mnt/data/My_Bucket_Name/L8PN5Z_08.30.2018_16.57 /mnt/data
  7. Once the jobs associated with the initial seeding is complete, shutdown the appliance using the recommended shut down process for Google Appliance.

  8. Ship the Appliance to Google so that the data can be uploaded to the Google Cloud Storage Account.

  9. Once the data is uploaded and available in the cloud, modify the details of the cloud library to access the storage bucket in the Google Cloud storage library.

    For more information about modifying the details, see in Modifying the Access Information.

  10. Enable all write operations on the library.

    For more information about enabling write operations, see Marking a Library Offline for Maintenance.

  11. Enable data aging on the library.

    For more information about enabling data aging, see Enable or Disable Pruning of Aged Data.

  12. Run one or more restore jobs to test your setup.

    For more information about performing a restore, see Restore Backup Data.

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