Subclient Properties (IntelliSnap Operations)


Use this tab to enable IntelliSnap and to establish the options for IntelliSnap operation for the selected subclient.

These options are available if you select a hardware Snap Engine. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.


Specifies whether IntelliSnap backup for the selected subclient is enabled or disabled.

Available Snap Engines

Lists the available snapshot engine vendors. Manage Engine

Click to access the Engine Managementdialog box, which enables you to add or modify access information for a engine.

Use Proxy

Use this list to specify the name of the proxy server that will be used for performing the IntelliSnap backup operations.

Use source if proxy is unreachable

Select to use the source machine for IntelliSnap backup if the proxy client is not available.

Use DB2 ACS Interface

Select the check box to use the DB2 ACS interface for IntelliSnap backups.

When you select this option, the Commvault software registers the IntelliSnap backup with the DB2 application catalog and database administrators can query and view the IntelliSnap backup history from DB2 application.

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