Verify that your environment meets the system requirements.
All Environments
All instances must run with configuration files in the YAML format.
If the ports between the master node and the other cluster nodes are blocked, the nodes must connect through a firewall.
Linux Environments
Database authentication is supported on both Windows and Linux for full backups. Authentication is supported only on Linux for incremental backups.
The user account that you authenticate with must have one of the following role or roles on the admin database:
The root role. This is a superuser role. If you choose to overwrite the database or collection, you must grant the root role to the MongoDB user.
A set of roles (backup, restore, clusterAdmin ). If you do not want to assign the superuser role to the database user, then use these roles.
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) volume groups must have adequate free space for creating the IntelliSnap snapshots. The default COW cache size is set to 4096 MB or 5% of the volume size, whichever is greater. You can increase the COW cache size.
For LVM snapshots, the snapshot retention for LVM snapshot copy must be set to 0 days in the server plan associated with the MongoDB cluster.
Replica Set Environments
Replica sets must have at least one secondary node.
If you have a single node replica set that has only a primary node, add the bMongoDBEnableBkpForSingleNodeRepSet additional setting to the client node that you want to back up.
Protect Encrypted Database
Commvault protects MongoDB Replica Set clusters with encrypted databases. MongoDB clusters should use a local master encryption key file on all the nodes to encrypt the databases. You must configure the bMongoDbEnableBkpEncryptionKey additional setting on all MongoDB clients for both backup and restore operations. The key file is backed up from the source master node during discovery or during a full backup operation.
All nodes of the cluster must have the same key file contents.
Restore operations:
During an In-place full restore operation the key file is restored to the original location (where it was backed up) and the existing key file is renamed automatically.
During an Out-of-place full restore operation:
- The key file is restored to all the destination clients.
- The key file path is created if one is not present.
During a Granular restore operation the key file is created on the 3DFS share which is used to start the staging server.
For restore operation, the setting must be enabled on the destination clients only when restoring from encrypted backup.
The Encryption at rest support feature that is enabled by bMongoDbEnableBkpEncryptionKey is only supported for replica set clusters.
Sharded Cluster Environments
The same database user must be created on all the sharded servers and on the config server.
Each sharded server must be a replica set, and the replica set must have at least one secondary node.
The Commvault software is not required on the arbiter node.
Supported MongoDB Versions
MongoDB version 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.4.x, 4.2.x, 4.0.x, 3.6.x, 3.4.x, 3.2.x MongoDB Enterprise edition, MongoDB Community edition, and Percona Server for MongoDB versions 7.x, 6.x, 5.x, 4.4.x, 4.2.x.
Starting from MongoDB 4.4, the mongodump and mongorestore utilities must be downloaded separately and copied to the bin path.
MongoDB 7.0 and Percona 7.x is supported only from CPR2023E (11.32) Maintenance Release 55 or higher.
The most recent certified version on MongoDB 7.x is 7.0.14.
The most recent certified version of Percona Server for MongoDB 7.x is 7.0.14-8.
Operating Systems and Processor Architectures
Operating system |
Processor architectures |
Amazon Linux 2 |
Debian 10 and more recent versions of 10 |
x64 |
Oracle Linux 9.x |
x64 |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 8.x with glibc 2.17.x |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.x with glibc 2.17.x |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6.x with glibc 2.12.x |
x64 |
SuSE Linux 12 (Initial Release/SP1 and later SPs) with glibc 2.19.x and higher |
x64 |
SuSE Linux 15 (Initial Release/SP1 and later SPs) with glibc 2.26.x and higher |
x64 |
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS |
x64 |
Ubuntu 18.04 |
x64 |
Ubuntu 16.04 |
x64 |
Operating system |
Processor architectures |
Windows Server 2019 |
All Windows-compatible processors |
Windows 2016 |
All Windows-compatible processors |
Windows 2012 |
All Windows-compatible processors |
Access Node Requirements for Backup Copy Operations
The following are hardware specifications for access node to perform file system backup copy operations for MongoDB backups.
Components |
Extra Large |
Large |
Medium |
Small |
Extra Small |
16 CPU cores, 128 GB RAM (or 16 vCPUs/128 GB) |
12 CPU cores, 64 GB RAM (or 12 vCPUs/64 GB) |
8 CPU cores, 32 GB RAM (or 8 vCPUs/32 GB) |
4 CPU cores, 24 GB RAM (or 4 vCPUs/24 GB) |
2 CPU cores, 16 GB RAM (or 2 vCPUs/16 GB) |
Front End Terabytes (FET) 2 |
90 TB to 120 TB |
50 TB to 100 TB |
25 TB to 50 TB |
10 TB to 25 TB |
5 TB to 10 TB |
Assumes latest generation CPU architecture.
Front-End Terabytes (FET): Size of the data on the client computer that has to be backed up.