Viewing the DDB Space Reclamation Job History at the Deduplication Database Level


You can view the history of DDB space reclamation jobs that are run for a DDB within a specific time range. By default, the job history displays status of all jobs. However, you can customize and view the history of a specific DDB space reclamation job or a specific time range.


  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Storage Resources > Deduplication Engines > storage_policy_copy.

  2. Right-click the appropriate deduplication database, and then click View > DDB Space Reclamation Jobs.

    The Admin Job History Filter dialog box appears.

  3. Specify the filters that you want to apply, and then click OK.

    The Admin Job History window appears.

    You can view the list of DDB space reclamation jobs that ran for the deduplication database.

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