Adding Oracle Subclients


You can add the following content in the subclients:

  • Data and logs

  • Data only

  • Logs only

  • Data subset, for example tablespaces

  • Data subset and logs

Use the following criteria when determining the unique data sets:

  • The data content you want to back up and how you need to restore the data (for example, all tablespaces or a subset of tablespaces)

  • The database state when you perform backups

  • The required schedule for the data

You can create subclients for specific datafiles and tablespaces that frequently change or have a different backup schedule than the entire database.

Before You Begin

If you have not already done so, add an instance for the Oracle database.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The database overview page appears.

  2. On the Instances tab, click the instance.

    The instance page appears.

  3. On the Subclients tab, click Add subclient.

    The Add subclient dialog appears.

  4. In the Subclient name box, type the subclient name.

  5. From the Plan list, select a server plan.

  6. In the Number of streams box, type the number of streams that the software uses for backups.

  7. From the Backup mode list, select the type of backup for the subclient.

  8. Depending on the backup mode, the following options may appear:

    • Archive log backup: Select the check box to back up the database logs

    • Delete archive logs: If you chose to back up the archive logs, select the check box to have the software delete the logs after a successful backup.

    • List of databases and database components: If you selected Subset of online database as the backup mode, choose the components to back up.

  9. To support restore operations for individual tables, move the Collect table metadata toggle to the right.

  10. Click SAVE.


You can perform backup operations on the subclient.

The Commvault software stores the backup in the target that is associated with the server plan.

The Commvault software automatically backs up the data and the log files by using the schedules that are associated with the server plan.