Configuring Columns in the Report Builder


When you add a data or pivot table to a report, you can configure additional options for each of the columns in the table.

Before You Begin

  • Add a Data Set

  • Build a Report

  • To build and deploy reports, your CommCell user account requires a role with the Add Report permission and an association with the CommCell entity.

For more information on users, permissions, and associations, see User Administration and Security - Overview.


  1. On the Web Console for the Private Metrics Reporting Server, click Reports.

    The Worldwide Dashboard appears.

  2. To open a report where you have already added a data set, from the navigation pane, click Configuration > Reports, and next to the Report Name under Actions, click Edit.

  3. Optional: If your report has multiple pages, click the tab for the page that you want to edit.

  4. To create a data table, drag Data Table into the Drop components to build the report box.

    • From the Data Sets list, drag field names to the table in the order that you want the columns to appear.
  5. To create a pivot table, drag Pivot Table into the Drop components to build the report box.

    1. From the Data Sets list, drag a field name into the Drop Pivot Row box.

      This field becomes the first column in the table, after you drag a field into the Drop Pivot Column box.

    2. Drag a field name into the Drop Pivot Column box.

      By default, the Drop Pivot cell box will display a count of the field that you selected for the Drop Pivot Column.

    3. If you want to configure something other than default, delete the Drop Pivot cell selection, and from the Data Sets list, drag another field name to the Drop Pivot cell box.

  6. To configure column settings, select the table or column:

    • Select the table, and on the Properties tab, click Fields fields_tab.

    • Select the column, and on the Properties tab, click Generalproperties_general.

  7. Configure the column settings under each Column Name section:

    • In the Display Name box, type a name for the column.

    • To specify the width of the column, in the Width box, type the number of pixels.


    • To specify the type of numeric content to display in the column, under Aggregate, select one of the available options, such as Distinct or Count.

    • To make the text inside the column wrap to multiple lines in the same cell, set Wrap Text to On.


    • To make text separated by characters like commas break to a new line inside the same cell, in the Split By box, enter the character that divides the data, such as a comma (,), period (.), or semicolon (;).


    • To exclude the column from CSV output of the report, set Exclude from CSV export to On.

    • To hide the column in the report display for end users, from the Hidden list, select True.


  8. To configure Cell Expression, see Formatting Data in Components for Build Your Own Reports.

  9. To configure Custom Styles or settings under Custom Code custom_code_tab, see Configuring Custom Code and Custom Styles for Reports.

  10. To save this version of your report specification in the Reports Manager, at the top of the Report Builder page, click Save.

  11. To make the report available to end users on the Reports page, at the top of the page, click Deploy.