Configuring a Firewall for a VSA Proxy in the Cloud


For cloud deployments, you can configure a firewall to communicate with an access node (VSA proxy) that runs in the cloud.

Before You Begin

  • In the CommServe system for the Command Center (the backup server), firewalls must be enabled in the Network Route Configuration tab of the CommCell Properties.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Servers.

  2. Click the cloud server for which you are adding a gateway.

  3. In the Proxy area, click Configure Proxy.

    The Add Proxy dialog box appears.

  4. In the Host Name box, enter the public IP address for the VSA proxy.

  5. In the Client Name box, enter a descriptive display name for the gateway.

  6. Click Save.

    Adding a proxy creates a client for the VSA proxy, adds the client to the Firewall Topologies > Proxy Clients group in the CommCell Console, and pushes the firewall configuration to the CommServe system.

    You receive an email notification with the steps to install the proxy package on your client computer.

  7. Go to the Virtualization section of the Commvault Store, download the VSA Proxy Firewall package, and copy it to the VSA proxy machine.

  8. Connect to the VSA proxy machine and log on.

  9. Ensure that tunnel port 8403 is open on the VSA proxy machine for communications from the backup server.

  10. Install the VSA Proxy Firewall package on the VSA proxy machine.

    The notification email includes the information to include when installing the proxy:

    • Client Name: Use the gateway client name that you entered when adding the proxy in the Command Center.

    • Host Name: Use the host name that you entered when adding the proxy in the Command Center.

    • CommServe Client Name: Use the client name of the CommServe system for the Command Center. Enter the short name, not including the domain name.

  11. After the install completes successfully, return to the Command Center.

  12. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Servers.

  13. Click the name of the cloud server for which you are adding a gateway.

  14. In the Proxy area, click Edit.

  15. Select the proxy that you created in this procedure.

  16. Click OK.