Configuring Pie Charts in the Report Builder


When you add a pie chart to a report, you can configure additional options.

Before You Begin


  1. On the Web Console for the Private Metrics Reporting Server, click Reports.

    The Worldwide Dashboard appears.

  2. To open a report where you have already added a data set, from the navigation pane, click Configuration > Reports, and next to the Report Name under Actions, click Edit.

  3. Optional: If your report has multiple pages, click the tab for the page that you want to edit.

  4. Drag Pie Chart to the Drop components to build the report box.

  5. From the Data Sets list, drag an alphabetic-type field name to the Drop Dimension box.


    By default, the Drop Measure will show a count of the field that you selected for the Drop Dimension.

  6. If you want to graph something other than default, delete the Drop Measure selection, and from the Data Sets list, drag another field name to the Drop Measure box.

    A drop-down list appears under Drop Measure.

  7. Select an option for the type of aggregate information that you want to display in the chart.

    Options vary based on the type of field that you select.


  8. Select the chart, on the Properties tab, click Generalproperties_general, and configure any of the chart settings.

    The following table lists the properties you can change:


    Perform action under Look and Feel

    Give the chart a name

    In the Chart Title box, type a name.

    Display the value associated with each pie piece

    Select Show Data Labels.

    Hide the legend

    Clear Show Legend.

    Configure the placement of the legend in the chart

    In the Legend Position list, select Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.

    Configure the maximum number of characters in legend labels

    In the Max Legend Label Length box, type a number.

    Select who can view the component

    From the Visible list, select any one of the following options:

    • All: To allow everyone see the component, select this option.

    • CommCell Admin: To allow only CommCell administrators see the component, select this option.

    • Tenant Admin: To allow only only tenant administrators see the component, select this option.

    • Custom: To allow users see the report based on the permissions, select this option, then in the Visible Expression box, enter a JavaScript statement.

      For example, to allow MSP users see the component, in the Visible Expression box, enter := return cv.isMspUser.

  9. On the Properties tab, click Fields fields_tab, and configure any of the chart settings:

    • Configure the chart settings under Sorting.

      The following table lists the properties you can change:


      Perform action under Sorting

      Sort data by the Drop Dimension values

      In the Sort By list, select X-Axis.

      Sort data by the Drop Measure values

      In the Sort By list, select Y-Axis.

      Sort data in ascending order

      In the Sort Order list, select Asc for ascending.

    • Configure the chart settings under Measure.

      The following table lists the properties you can change:


      Perform action under Measure

      Automatically convert display sizes for labels

      Select Auto convert values.

      For example, 10,000 KB is converted to 10 MB.

      Specify the type of numeric value to display in the pie pieces

      In the Aggregate list, select one of the available options, such as Distinct or Avg.

    • Specify the data points that will appear in the chart under Dimension > Field Name.

      The following table lists the properties you can change:


      Perform action under Dimension

      Specify the maximum number of values that appear in the chart

      Next to Max Points, type a number.

      Include all data points in the chart

      Select All Points.

      Create a category that includes all values other than the displayed Max Points

      Select Show "Others" Category.

    • To configure settings in Formatter under Measure or Dimension, see Formatting Data in Components for Build Your Own Reports.

    • Configure the chart settings under Custom Colors:

      1. Click Customize Series Colors add_data_source.

        A list box and color box appear.

      2. Select a value from the list, or type a value, if not available in the list, and then click on the box next to it.

      3. In the Color dialog box, select a color, and then click OK.

      4. Repeat these steps to specify a color for any value.

      5. You can click the Default Color box, select a color from the Color dialog box, and then click OK.


        Any bar that is not configured with a custom color displays the color configured in the Default Color box.

  10. To configure settings under Custom Group, see Configuring Custom Groups in Charts.

  11. To configure settings under Custom Code custom_code_tab, see Configuring Custom Code and Custom Styles for Reports.

  12. To save this version of your report specification in the Reports Manager, at the top of the Report Builder page, click Save.

  13. To make the report available to end users on the Reports page, at the top of the page, click Deploy.