Creating a CSV File to Add File Server Data Sources in Bulk for File Storage Optimization

You can create a CSV file to upload and add file server data sources in bulk.

Note: The approach mentioned on this page is applicable to file servers (Windows, UNIX, and NAS) and endpoints.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Data Insights.

    The Data Insights page appears.

  2. Under Risk Analysis, click File storage optimization.

    The File storage optimization page appears.

  3. Click the Data Sources tab.

    Data sources for File Storage Optimization appear.

  4. Click Add, and then select Add from CSV.

    The Upload CSV dialog box appears.

  5. To download a sample CSV file that displays the required information, click Download sample CSV.

    The sample CSV file is downloaded to the browser tray.

  6. Create a CSV file with the following columns (in the order shown in the table) and values:

    Column name



    Server Host Name

    The name of the server

    Data Source

    The name of the data source


    Share Path

    The share path to the data you want to analyze



    The country where the server is located

    United States

    User Name

    If you are using a Windows share, the user name for the Windows share path



    If you are using a Windows share, in base64 format, the password for the share path

    bXlwYXNzd29yZA== (Base-64 Encoded)

    DC Plan

    The name of the Data Classification plan.

    FSO Plan

    Access Node

    If you are using a Live Crawl, the machine name to use as an access node.


    Backedup Status

    To specify the backup status of the data source, enter of the following numeric values:

    • If the data is not backed up, 0

    • If the data is backed up, 1


    Crawl Type

    To specify the crawl type, enter one of the following numeric values:

    • For a live crawl (UNC/Local), 1

    • For a quick scan on backed up data, 4

    • For a full scan on backed up data, 5


  7. Continue to update the CSV file with all the file server data sources that you want to add, and then save the CSV file to your computer.
