Modifying a Server Plan


For server plans, you can modify the data retention period, RPO settings that specify how the data is backed up automatically, IntelliSnap settings, and associated entities. However, you cannot modify or delete the storage pool, and you cannot delete the primary storage copy.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Plans.

    The Plans page appears.

  2. In the Plan name column, click the server plan.

    The server plan page appears.

  3. On the Overview tab, specify the following:



    Backup content

    1. To modify the backup content, move the Define backup content toggle key to the right.

      The Define backup content dialog box appears.


      You can edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil the backup content on an existing server plan.

    2. To back up only some content, in Content to back up, click Add and select either Content or Custom Path.

      By default, all content is backed up.

      1. If you selected Content, in the Add content dialog box, browse for content to back up.

      2. If you selected Custom Path, type a path or pattern, for example, *.docx.

    3. To exclude folders or files from the backup, move the Define exclusions toggle key to the right.

    4. In Exclude - files/folders/patterns, click Add and select either Content or Custom Path.

      1. If you selected Content, in the Add exclusions dialog box, browse for content to exclude.

      2. If you selected Custom Path, type a path or pattern, for example, *.docx to exclude.

    5. Specify whether to include the system state in backups:

      • To include the system state in all backups, move the Back up system state toggle key to the right.

      • To include the system state only in full backups, select the Back up system state check box and the Only with full backup check box.

      • To use Windows Server's VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to back up the system state, select the Use VSS for system state check box.


    1. To associate users and user groups with the server plan, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

      The Security dialog box appears.

      By default, the Master user group with a Plan Creator role is associated with the server plan.

    2. In the Enter users, user groups box, enter the users and users groups.

    3. From the Roles list, select the role to associate with the users and user groups.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Click Save.

    Applicable solutions

    1. To associate a single or multiple solution to the plan, you must have the Plan solution permission, then click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

      The Edit applicable solutions dialog box appears.

    2. To select a specific solution, move the Restrict to solutions toggle key to the right.

    3. In the applicable solutions box, select one or more solutions.


      You should complete the guided setup for the solution which then appears in the list.

    4. Click Save.

      When the applicable solutions is set on a plan, then the plan is accessible to only to the specified solutions.

    Override restrictions

    1. To make the server plan a base plan, move the Allow plan to be overridden toggle key to the right.

      The Edit override options dialog box appears.


      If you select the Allow plan to be overridden toggle key, and then click Save, you cannot disable the key. However, you can click Cancel.

    2. Specify how you want the base plan to interact with the plans that are derived from it:

      • Override required: Plans derived from this base plan do not inherit the base plan values.

      • Override optional: Plans derived from this base plan can either inherit the base plan values or have different values.

      • Override not allowed: Plans derived from this base plan inherit the base plan values.


        If you are modifying a setting that was set to Override optional, then you can change it only to Override not allowed. If you are modifying a setting from Override not allowed, you can change it only to Override optional.

    3. Click Save.


    1. To associate a tag with the server plan, Click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

      The Manage tags dialog box appears.

    2. Enter a tag name and a tag value, and then click Add.

    3. Click Save.


    To enable indexing for file search, move the Index files after backup toggle key to the right.


    If file search is enabled at the plan level, Commvault will automatically install the required packages on the MediaAgents associated with that plan.


    1. For Backup frequency:

      • To add a new backup frequency, click Add.

        The Add backup frequency dialog box appears.

      • From the Backup type list, select the backup type, and from the for list, select All agents or Databases.

      • Specify the frequency of the backup.

      • To specify the client time zone, full backup database frequency, or to add exceptions, move the Advanced toggle key to the right, and do the following:

        • From the time zone list, select the time zone according to which you want backups to run.


          The time zone option is unavailable if the backup frequency schedule is mentioned in minutes or hours.

        • If you select incremental or differential backup type for all agents or databases, to modify the full backup frequency of the database, specify a value for Run full backup on databases every option.

        • To add exceptions when the backups must not run, click Exceptions, and then add exceptions for any day of a month or week. Or schedule an exception for any week of the month.

          Exceptions repeat every week or month according to the selected exception.

      • To modify an existing backup frequency, next to the backup schedule, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

        The Edit backup frequency dialog box appears.

        1. Modify the backup type and the frequency for backups.
      • To delete a backup frequency, next to the backup schedule, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil, and then click Delete.


        You can delete all backup job schedules from server plans, including the default incremental backup job schedule.

    2. To modify the transaction log frequency, or enable disk cache for log backups, in the Run transaction log for databases field, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

      • For Transaction log, specify how often to run log backups.

      • To automatically back up the database logs to the MediaAgent cache, do the following:

        1. Move the Use disk cache for log backups toggle key to the right.

        2. For Commit every, enter how often to commit the logs to the CommServe computer.

        Disk caching of database logs applies to the following databases: Informix, Microsoft SQL Server on Windows, Oracle, Oracle RAC, and SAP HANA


        • The database schedules are available only if the server plan is applicable to database solution and only one transaction log schedule can be added to that specific plan.

        • Full Schedules apply to database backups. For other agents, each backup job will back up only the new and modified items and create a full recovery image. Therefore, running repeated full backup is not required.

    3. For Backup window, specify when you want incremental and differential backups to run.

    4. For Full backup window, specify when you want full backups to run.

    5. For SLA, click Edit.


      The default SLA is one month, which is inherited from the CommCell.

      The Edit SLA dialog box appears.

      • To modify the SLA period, select SLA period, and then select a new value.

      • To exclude the backup frequency from the SLA calculation, move the Exclude from SLA toggle key to the right.

    Snapshot options

    • If you want to run scheduled snapshot backups, move the Enable Backup copy toggle key to the right.

    • To modify how often the snapshot backups run, in the Backup copy RPO field, click Edit edit button outline grey/gray pencil.

  4. To modify the backup destinations that are associated with the server plan, click the Backup Destinations tab.

    1. To add additional regions to the backup destination, complete the following steps:

      1. click Add region.

        The Add new region dialog box appears.

      2. Click Add copy.

        The Add copy dialog box appears.

      3. In Name, enter a name for the backup destination.

      4. From the Storage list, select the storage to use for the backups.

        If you selected storage that uses Distributed Storage, the Optimize for instant clone toggle key appears. By default, this setting is turned on to allow the associated Distributed Storage to optimize backups for clones, using Copy Data Management. To turn off the setting, move the Optimize for instant clone toggle key to the left.

        The setting does not apply to HyperScale solutions that use Distributed Storage.

        You can use the Air Gap Protect cool storage class for creating secondary copies, but not for creating primary copies.

      5. For Retention rules, enter the amount of time to retain the backups.

      6. To specify additional backups, such as weekly full backups, move the Extended retention rules toggle key to the right, and then add rules.

      7. Click Save.

      8. In the Add new region dialog box, click Save.

    2. To modify the properties for a copy, complete the following steps:

      1. Under the Backup destinations section, click the copy that you want to modify.

        The copy page appears.

      2. Modify the copy properties.

    3. To view the jobs for a copy, complete the following steps:

      1. Under the Backup destinations section, for the copy that you want to view jobs, click the Actions button action_button and then click View jobs.

        The Jobs page appears with the list of jobs.

    4. To view the snapshots for a snap copy, complete the following steps:

      1. Under the Backup destinations section, for the snap copy that you want to view snapshots, click the Actions button action_button and then click View snapshots.

        The Snapshots created during IntelliSnap operation page appears with the list of snapshots.

    5. To run backup copy for a snap copy, complete the following steps:

      1. Under the Backup destinations section, for the snap copy that you want to run backup copy, click the Actions button action_button and then click Run backup copy.

        The Confirm dialog box appears.

      2. Click Yes.

      For more information about backup copy operation, see Create a Backup Copy from a Hardware Snapshot.

  5. Click Yes in the Confirm clean drive prompt.

  6. To modify the entities that are associated with the server plan, do the following:

    1. On the Associated entities tab, in the row for the associated entity, click the action button action_button, and then select Edit association.

      The Edit plan dialog box appears.

    2. In the Plan box, select None or a different plan.

    3. Click Save.

  7. To modify the companies that are associated with the server plan, click the Companies tab.

    1. To associate a new company with the server plan:

      1. Click Add company.

        The Associate to company dialog box appears.

      2. Under Company name, click the company to associate with the server plan.

      3. Click Save.

    2. To delete a company that is associated with the server plan:

      1. In the Associated companies table, in the row for the associated company, click the action button action_button, and then select Remove association.

        The Remove association dialog box appears.

      2. Click Yes.


The server plan uses the modified settings when the next backup runs.

Associating a Server with a Server Backup Plan