Viewing the SLA Report on the Web Console


You can view the SLA Report on the Web Console.

Before You Begin

To view the default reports on the Web Console, your CommCell user account requires: a role with the Report Management permission and an association with the CommCell entity, the Client Group, or the Client computer.

For more information about users, permissions, and associations, see User Administration and Security - Overview.


  1. Log on to the Web Console.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. From the navigation pane, go to the Worldwide or CommCell Reports page:

    • To view this report at the Worldwide level, remain on the Reports page.

    • To view this report at the CommCell level, click CommCells, click a CommCell Name, and then from the navigation pane, click Reports.

  4. Click SLA.

    The SLA Report appears.

  5. Optional: Configure any of the following options to filter the data in the SLA Report, and then click Apply:

    • From the Server groups list, select each server group that you want to view. You can also use the search box to find a particular server group.

    • From the Company list, select one or more companies. Only those companies that you have permission to view appear in this list.

    • From the Time frame list, select any of the options from Last 1 Days to Last 30 Days, or select Custom, and then specify a particular date and time range.

    • From the Job Type list, select any of the job types, such as Full or Incremental.

    • If you want to count subclients with an upcoming, scheduled job as Met SLA, even if the job has not yet run, in the Future scheduled subclients in Met SLA, move the Enable/disable toggle key to the right.