Adding an Action Token to an Alert Notification


Applies to: Email notifications and console notifications

To allow users to initiate actions directly from alert email notifications, you can include in action token as a placeholder in the email notifications. You can associate a predefined report or workflow with the action token. You can also associate a custom report or workflow.

For example, to allow users to resubmit failed jobs directly from failed job email notifications, you can add the placeholder text “Resubmit the job.” in the email notification, and you can associate a job resubmission action to the text. The “Resubmit the job.” text in the email notification links to a custom job resubmission workflow.

Before You Begin

  • Identify or create a report or a workflow that you want to run when the user clicks the action token in the email notification.

    For information about reports, see Reports Overview.

    For information about workflows, see Workflow: Overview.

  • Enable local identity management.

    1. On the Home tab, go to Control Panel > Identity Management.

      The Identity Management dialog box appears.

    2. Click Local Identity Management.

    3. Select Enable, and then click OK.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, on the Home tab, click Alert.

    The Alerts dialog box appears.

  2. Select the alert, and then click Edit.

    The Modify Alert Wizard dialog box appears.

  3. In the left pane, select Notification Type(s) Selection.

  4. Select a notification type that supports action tokens:

    • On the Email > Regular tab, select the Select [Email] for notification check box, and then click HTML.

    • On the Console Alerts > Regular tab, select the Select [Console Alerts] for notification check box, and then click HTML.

  5. In the body of the notification, click where you want to add the token, and then enter the placeholder text as follows:

    • To add predefined tokens, select the token from the token list, and then click Add Token.

      For descriptions of the tokens, see Available Alert Tokens.

    • To add your own text, type the text.

      For example, you can type Maintenance.

  6. Right-click the placeholder text, and then click Action.

    The Select Action For Regular Notification dialog box appears.

  7. Select the Select [Action] for notification check box.

    • To select a report as the action in the notification:

      1. Click Report.

      2. Select a report from the Report to run list.

    • To select a workflow as the action in the notification:

      1. Click Workflow.

      2. From the Workflow to run list, select a workflow.

        A table with Name, Value and Type columns appears. The Name and Type columns are populated with inputs that are defined in the workflow. In the Value column, inputs that are defined in the workflow and available alert tokens are listed.

        For the list of available tokens, see Available Alert Tokens.

      3. In the Value column, select a value for the workflow input from the list, or type a value for the input.

      4. From the Run workflow on list, select a workflow engine to run the workflow:

      5. To run the workflow using a specific engine, select that engine.

      6. To run the workflow using the engine with the latest deployed version of the workflow, click Any.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Finish.



The alert notification contains the placeholder text that links to the report or the workflow as configured in the action token. When the user clicks the link, the Web Console logon page appears. After the user logs on, the workflow or the report runs.