Applying an Additional Setting to Only One Salesforce Organization

You can add or modify an additional setting in a way that applies it to only one Salesforce organization, instead of all Salesforce organizations that use the access node.

For example, you can modify the sf_includeObjects additional setting to define a list of objects to include in backups of a specific Salesforce organization, rather than all organizations that use the access node.

The following example applies to all Salesforce organizations:

  • sf_includeObjects = 'Account'

The following example applies only to MarketingOrg:

  • sf_includeObjects_MarketingOrg = 'Account'


  • To the client computer, add or modify the additional setting with the following syntax:


    Use an underscore between the additional setting name and the organization name.

For instructions about adding an additional setting from the CommCell Console, see Adding an Additional Setting from the CommCell Console.
