You can have the CommCell Console authenticate third party database backup and restore jobs to ensure that the user has the correct credentials and has included a valid token file in the job request.
Enable CommCell Console Authentication of Third Party Command Line Jobs.
Run the qlogin command with the token file option (-f) to obtain a token file from the SAP MaxDB parameter file.
On the command line, go to Software_Installation_Directory/Base directory and type the following command:
qlogin -u admin -f /opt/tokenfile
Type the password to log in successfully to the CommServe.
QLogin.exe -u admin -f C:\tokenfile
Type in the password to log in successfully to the CommServe.
Create a token parameter text file that specifies the location of the token file that the qlogin command created.
To see the token file contents, on the command line, type the following command, substituting token_paremeter_file with the token parameter text file name.
cat token_parameter_file [CvQcmdTokenFile] token_file_location
cat /opt/thirdpartytoken.txt [CvQcmdTokenFile] /opt/tokenfile
C:\thirdpartytoken.txt [CvQcmdTokenFile] C:\tokenfile
For UNIX root installs, set the read permissions on the token file that the qlogin command created so that application users can read the file.
If the token file name is "tokenfile", on the command line type the following:
chmod 644 /opt/tokenfile
Set the token file in the parameters file before you perform third-party command line backups and restores.
Set the CvOraSbtParams parameter to the SAP MaxDB Agent parameter file.
CvOraSbtParams /opt/thirdpartytoken.txt
CvOraSbtParams C:\thirdpartytoken.txt