Journaling rules for Office 365 with Exchange are not subject to the differences between standard and premium journaling that apply to Exchange on-premises. However, there are other restrictions for journal rules in an Office 365 with Exchange environment that you must be aware of. For example, you can create a maximum of 10 journal rules.
The domain name must be a non-existent domain. You must use the same domain for the remote domain, the mail contact, the Send connector, and the journal rules.
Before You Begin
You must have a thorough understanding of journaling and of managing journal rules in Office 365 with Exchange. Consult the Microsoft documentation before you create the journal rules. For example, see these Microsoft TechNet articles:
"Manage journaling",
"Configure Journaling in Exchange Online",
You must create an alternate journaling mailbox for undeliverable journal reports. For more information, see the Microsoft TechNet article "Journaling: Journaling mailbox",
Create an alternate journaling mailbox.
Create journal rules using either of the following:
Microsoft Exchange admin center (EAC).
For more information, see the Microsoft TechNet article "Exchange admin center in Exchange Online",
Windows PowerShell.
If you use Windows Powershell, you must create a remote PowerShell session to Office 365 with Exchange. For more information about how to create the session, see the Microsoft TechNet article "Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell",