The following table specifies the RMAN parameters supported for creating and customizing RMAN scripts.
Parameter |
Usage |
Description |
[instancescripts] |
[instancescripts] <instance name>,<file name> Example: [instancescripts] ora11gv1,D:\backuplogs.txt |
The instance name to back up, and the RMAN backup script file name. |
[datatype] |
[datatype] DATA | LOG Example: [datatype] LOG |
Mark the associated backup archive files as DATA or LOG. |
[sp] |
[sp] <StoragePolicyName> Example: [sp] SP1 |
The backup job storage policy name. |
[streamcount] |
[streamcount] <number> Example: [streamcount] 2 |
The number of streams to reserve for the RMAN backup job. |
[rmanlogfile] |
[rmanlogfile] <ouputfile location>/<outputfile name> Example: [rmanlogfile] /usr/temp1 Here, temp1 is the directory and not the file name. |
This is an optional parameter. Location where the RMAN backup output file is saved and the name of the output file. By default, an output file backup.out is created in the job results directory. You can change the name of the output file as well as the location using this parameter. In order to include the JOB ID in the output file name, you need to set the sQcmd_Bkp_RmanLogFile Additional Setting. |
[options] |
These are optional parameters.
[mediaagent] |
[mediaagent] <mediaagentname> Example: [mediaagent] MA1 |
This is an optional parameter. The MediaAgent that the backup job uses. |
[library] |
[library] <libraryname> Example: [library] LN1 |
This is an optional parameter. The library that the backup job uses. |
[drivepool] |
[drivepool] <drivepool_name> Example: [drivepool] DP1 |
This is an optional parameter. The drivepool that the backup job uses. |
[scratchpool] |
[scratchpool] <library_name>/<scratchpool_name> Example: [scratchpool] LN1/SN1 |
This is an optional parameter. The scratchpool the backup job uses. The drivepool and scratchpool parameters are applicable only if the RMAN backup uses a tape library. You can add a backslash "/" to the drivepool and scratchpool names. |
[jobdescription] |
[jobdescription] <jobdescription> Example: [jobdescription] weekly_data_bkp |
This is an optional parameter. The backup job's description |
[oraclrestorescript] |
[oraclerestorescript] <file_name> Example: [oraclerestorescript] restorelogs.txt |
The file name for the RMAN restore script. |