Instance Properties (General)


Use the (Modify) Instance Properties (General) tab or Create a RAC Client (General) tab to enter, view or change general information on the selected instance (partition for Lotus Notes agents). Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Pseudo Client Name

Displays the name of the pseudo-client for the Oracle RAC DataAgent.

Client computer (name)

Displays the name of the client computer on which this instance is found.


Displays the name of the application that is installed on the client computer.

Billing Department

Displays the name of the billing department defined in the software.


Displays the name of the DataAgent to which this instance belongs.

Database Name

Displays the name of the Oracle RAC database (instance).

Instance/ INFORMIX Server/ ORACLE SID/ Partition/SAP MAX DB Instance

Displays the name of the instance or instance-like object.


Displays the application version on which the DataAgent was installed or upgraded on the client computer.


Displays the unique ID of the Oracle database to which this instance belongs.

Backup Server

For Sybase, displays the name of the backup server required to run jobs.

Server Type

Displays the server type according to the instance selected to be added. Only Database Engine is supported.

Sybase Home

Displays the path for the Sybase application software. Click Browse to change this path.

Sybase ASE

Displays the Sybase ASE environment variable. Use this space to change the variable.

Sybase OCS

Displays the Sybase OCS environment variable. Use this space to change the variable.

Binary Directory

Displays the path of the binary directory for the instance. Click Browse to change this path.

Data Directory

Displays the path of the data directory for the instance. Click Browse to change this path.

Archive Log Index File

Displays the path of the archive log index file for the instance. Click Browse to change this path.

Config File

Displays the path of the configuration file for the instance. Click Browse to change this path.

Socket File

Displays the path of the socket file for the instance. Click Browse to change this path.

Shared Memory Directory

For Sybase, displays the path for the shared memory files. Click Browse to change this path.

Oracle/Informix USER

Displays the application user account established for the database to perform all Data Protection and Data Recovery operations for this instance. For Oracle on Windows, this field is called User Account.


Displays the path to the application's Home directory. Enter a new directory if you want to change the designated Home directory.

Storage Policy / Storage Policy used for the data of default subclient

Assign a Storage Policy from the list.

Data Path

For SAP for Oracle or Oracle RAC, specifies the path to the Oracle data files and control files. This path can be the same as the path for Oracle HOME.

For Lotus Domino Server, displays the path of the Lotus Domino Server partition. Lotus Domino Server iDataAgents only back up databases that are known to exist in the Data Path of a partition.


Click to specify a designated Home directory or data path.


Specifies the name of the ONCONFIG file, which is used to help administer the number of streams, among other capabilities. Enter a new ONCONFIG file name if you wish to modify the designated ONCONFIG file.


Click to establish or change the designated ONCONFIG file.

User Account

For Oracle on Windows and DB2/DB2 MultiNode on Windows and Unix, displays the application User account used by the system to perform all Data Protection and Recovery operations for this instance. For Oracle on Unix, this field is called Oracle User.


Click to establish or change the application/operating system user account.Enable (Database) Auto Discovery

Select to instruct the system to search the Sybase Server instance for unconfigured database(s) and to then add them to the system. This discovery process runs prior to a backup for the entire instance of the Sybase server.

Database Storage Policy

Select a storage policy to associate with full and differential backups for all auto-discovered databases.

Transaction Log Storage Policy

Select a storage policy to associate with transaction log backups for all auto-discovered databases.

VDI Timeout

For SQL, when restoring a SQL database, the VDI timeout represents the time the system must wait, in seconds, for the SQL server to become ready to accept data into the database. If the database you are attempting to restore is particularly large, it may become necessary to increase this time-out value.


Available for SQL Server clients running on Windows Server. When left cleared, all full backups for all databases within the instance will use the traditional backup methods. When selected, traditional full backups for all databases within the instance will be switched to VSS full backups. When cleared after having been selected, subsequent backups will run as their designated type.


Displays the state of the database.

Informix states are Online, Offline, Quiescent, or Fastrecovery


Displays the most current status of the database.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, and so on.

Auto detect new and deleted partitions

For DB2 MultiNode, specifies to detect new and deleted DB2 database partitions. This option should be selected by default.


Use this tab to establish the options for deduplication on the subclient.

Enable Deduplication

Use this option to enable or disable deduplication for the subclient.

When enabled, you can choose to generate the signature (a component of deduplication) on the client or on the MediaAgent computer.


  • The deduplication is supported on disk storage devices. Therefore, the deduplication options are applicable only if the subclient is associated with a storage policy containing disk storage.

  • For source-side deduplication, the signature generation always occurs on the client.

On Client

Click to enable signature generation on the client computer.

On MediaAgent

Click to enable signature generation on the MediaAgent computer.