Rebuild the operating system in the event of a disaster.
Before You Begin
Ensure that the destination client is same as source client while performing a disaster recovery.
Make sure to Install the Solaris Operating System on the system that you want to restore. Make sure to install the Operating System exactly as it existed prior to a hardware or software corruption problem.
The client computer must have a default install partition with the Solaris File System Agent installed on it. Make sure to enable the Networking option. The TCP/IP, hostname, and domain name settings of the default install must match those of the system that you are restoring.
Create and mount a root file system on the system that you want to restore.
From the Solaris Installation disk, navigate to the appropriate Tools directory.
s0/Solaris_<ver>/Tools directory
Type the command to copy the jump start software to your machine.
./setup_install_server -b /opt/boot
Type the appropriate command to add each client that you want to boot off of the jump start server.
./add_install_client -i -e 8:0:20:7c:89:1a -s pluto8:/jumpstart pluto6 sun4u
./add_install_client -i -e 8:0:20:7d:e6:33 -s pluto8:/jumpstart pluto7 sun4m
./add_install_client -i -e 8:0:20:7c:73:f -s pluto8:/jumpstart pluto4 sun4m
Copy <mnt_point>/Solaris_<ver>/Tools/Boot from the disk to a shareable directory.
Modify bootparams to reflect the new root directory.
Modify the hosts to add the hosts needed to communicate with the Solaris File System iDataAgent.
Add the shared memory information to system.
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4199304 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=5824 set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=5824 set semsys:seminfo_semmns=5824 set semsys:seminfo_semmni=5824 set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=5824
Add System Services.
cvd 8400/tcp EvMgrS 8401/tcp
Create symbolic links for required writeable areas.
ln -s ../tmp/root/etc/inet/Galaxy.pkg Galaxy.pkg ln -s /tmp/CommVaultRegistry CommVaultRegistry
Restart the computer.
Create and mount a /opt file system using an open slice.
swap slice
Install the Solaris File System iDataAgent software. If the installer requests updates and the required updates have not been installed on the jump start server, skip the request to add the additional operating system updates.
Type the command to create partitions/slices on the disk.
Type the command to create the root file system.
newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition where you want to create the root file system.
newfs /dev/dsk/<root>
Type the command to mount the new root file system at /mnt.
mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID> /mnt
where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the root file system.
mount /dev/dsk/<root> /mnt
Create an empty directory called "proc" on /mnt.
mkdir /mnt/proc
If you have recreated any file systems other than root, type the command to mount these as well.
mkdir /mnt/<file_system_name>
mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID> /mnt/<file_system_name>
where <file_system_name> is the name of the file system and <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the file system.
mkdir /mnt/<devfs>
mount /dev/dsk/<root> /mnt/<devfs>
Install the Jump start server on the Boot server.
cd <jumpstart_install_directory>
Type the command to unpack miniroot.
Type the following commands if the software is installed at /opt:
cd <miniroot_mnt_dir>/etc/
ln –s /tmp/commvault/CommVaultRegistry CommVaultRegistry
Type the following commands if the software is installed at a different directory:
cd <miniroot_mnt_dir>
ln –s /tmp/commvault opt/commvault
ln –s /tmp/commvault var/log/commvault
Pack Miniroot
/boot/solaris/bin/root_archive pack sparc.miniroot `pwd`/boot
Use Network File System protocol to export a directory with RW(Read/Write) permissions for the client to be recovered.
where <mydir> is the name of the directory. Make sure the client gets all required permissions on this directory and its contents.
From the CommCell console, restore CommVaultRegistry and /opt/commvault/* into /export/<mydir>,
cd to /export/<mydir>
mkdir Log_Files
mv Base32 Base
mv iDataAgent32 iDataAgent
If you are using x64 Solaris, then:
mv Base/commvault Base32
rm –rf Base iDataAgent
On the Client side, perform the following steps:
Jumpstart the client using the boot server.
Follow the prompts and get to a shell. Bring up all the interfaces.
boot net -s
- Configure a default route.
route add default <172.x.x.x>
where <;172.x.x.x> is the Gateway address
- Add the client IP address and hostname to:
- Add the MediaAgent and CommServe to:
Type the command to create partitions/slices on the disk.
fdisk /dev/rdsk/c1d0p0
Type the command to create the root file system.
newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition where you want to create the root file system.
newfs /dev/dsk/<root>
If ZFS file system is on root partition, perform the following steps to create zpools and file systems:
zpool create –R/a <pool name>
where <pool name> is the zpool name created during the initial Solaris install.
zfs create <pool name>/FS1
where <pool name> is the zpool name created during the initial Solaris install and FS1 is the file system name
zfs set mountpoint=<first_mountpoint><pool name>/FS1
where <first_mountpoint> refers to its original mountpoint and FS1 is the file system name
fs create <pool name>/FS2
where <pool name> is the zpool name created during the initial Solaris install and FS2
zfs set mountpoint=<first_mountpoint><pool name>/FS2
where <first_mountpoint> refers to its original mountpoint and <pool name> is the zpool name created during the initial Solaris install.
Type the following command to create a dump and swap a file system:
zfs create –V <space required> <fsname>
where <fsname> is the file system name.
Type the following commands to start the Recovery services:
cd /opt/commvault
mkdir /opt/commvault/Base/Temp/
. ./galaxy_vm
. ./Base/cvprofile
svc_ctrl –focus $GALAXY_VM -start cvd
svc_ctrl –focus $GALAXY_VM -start ClMgrS
svc_ctrl –focus $GALAXY_VM -start cvfwd
Set the variable.
platform=`uname –i`
Use the variable as directory, to map it to the correct Boot block.
Type the following command for Solaris 10 Update 6 or above:
installboot –F zfs /a/usr/platform/$platform/lib/fs/zfs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/<boot_disk>
where <boot_disk> is the name of the disk to be booted
Type the following command for Solaris 10 Update 5 or below:
installboot /a/usr/platform/$platform/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/<boot_disk>
where <boot_disk> is the name of the disk to be booted
Type the following command for x86 systems:
installgrub –fm /a/boot/grub/stage1/a/boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/<boot disk>
bootadm update-archive –R /a
init 6
Restart the computer.