Registering a v10 or v11 CommServe Server Through the CommCell Console


Follow the steps applicable to the CommServe version running on your environment. By registering your CommServe server, you will obtain an account to access the Cloud Services Portal. This procedure is applicable for both v10 and v11.

About This Task

  • Registration is mandatory even if you already have an account with the Maintenance Advantage Web site.

  • The Cloud Services and the Maintenance Advantage Web sites have separate registrations.


Do not register a Disaster Recovery (DR) CommServe server with the Cloud Services Portal. Because the DR CommServe server shares a CommCell ID with the production CommServe server, the Cloud Services Portal perceives the second CommServe registration as a duplicate and the registration fails.


  1. From the CommCell Console ribbon, select the Home tab, and then click Getting Started.

    The Getting Started tab is displayed in the right pane.

  2. Under Initial Setup, click the Initial CommCell Configuration link.

  3. Click the Register Product link.

  4. In the Register Product dialog box, choose the appropriate method to register the CommServe server:

    • If you have an account with Cloud Services, type your email address and password, and then click OK.

      Your CommCell ID is associated to your Commvault ID. If you do not receive a confirmation email within a reasonable period, contact Customer Support and include the CommServe ID for the CommServe server that you are trying to register. To contact Customer Support, go to the Maintenance Advantage Customer Support Portal.

    • If you do not have an account with Cloud Services, select Create New Account and complete the following steps:

      1. In the Email Address box, enter your email address. This email address will become the user name for your Commvault ID.

      2. In the Password and Confirm Password boxes, enter a password to log on to the Cloud Services Portal.

      3. In the Company Name box, enter the name of your organization.

      4. In the CommCell Name box, enter the name of the CommServe server as it appears in the CommCell Browser.

      5. In the Phone Number box, enter your contact number.

      6. In the address-related boxes, enter the physical address of your organization.

      7. Click OK.

      Your CommServe server is registered, and a confirmation email is sent with your Commvault ID details. If you do not receive a confirmation email within a reasonable period, contact Customer Support and include the CommServe ID for the CommServe server that you are trying to register. To contact Customer Support, go to the Maintenance Advantage Customer Support Portal.