Use this tab to select the output format and save options of the report.
Output Format
Allows you to select an output format for the report.
Generates and/or saves the report in HTML format.
Generates and/or saves the report in its entirety. (Job Summary reports only.)
Summary Only
Generates and/or saves the report summary. (Data Protection reports only.)
Generates and/or saves the report in text format.
Generates and/or saves the report in pdf format.
Genertaes and/or saves the report in xml format. (Job Summary and Media Information reports only.)
Generates and/or saves the report in its entirety. (Job Summary reports only.)
Short (Pager)
Generates and/or saves the report in a concise format. (Data Protection reports only.)
Text Delimiter
Generates and/or saves the report in a text format with tabs or commas. (CommCell Summary, CommCell Readiness, Job Summary, Media Information and Vault Tracking reports only.)
Generates and/or saves the report in a text format with tabs.
Generates and/or saves the report in a text format with commas.
Iron Mountain
For those users who are using Iron Mountain to send their media offsite, generates and/or saves the report in a format for Iron Mountain. (Media Information and Vault Tracking reports only.)
Use style sheet
Specifies a style sheet to use with the report output. To select an existing style sheet, click Browse
Output To
Saves the report to a specified location.
Impersonate User
Displays the user name of the account.
User Name/Password
Allows you to change the user account from the Change User Account dialog box.
Use Local Drive On
Saves the report to a client on the CommServe. From the drop down menu, select a client and click Browse to specify a Report Copy Location. Username and password is not required.
Use Network Share
Saves the report to a location on a network. Click Browse to specify a Report Copy Location. Username and password may be required.
Report Copy Location
Type or click Browse to specify a local or network location to save the report. If the file name for the report is not provided, the system automatically provides a name for the report when it is saved.
Allows you to browse to a network path that is displayed in Report Copy Location to save the report.
Allows you to save the report to the default File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server or Secure FTP (SFTP) server that is configured for the CommCell environment.
Allows you to specify a different location and credentials for the FTP server or SFTP server than the default server that is configured for the CommCell environment. You can configure different report schedules to upload to different FTP server or SFTP server. For more information about the options in this dialog box, see FTP Upload Settings.
Choose Locale
Generates and/or saves the report in a language that can be different from that of the CommCell Console. The languages currently supported are listed in Languages - Reports in Books Online.
Report Custom Name
Enter a name for the report. You can also include the current date and job ID using macros:
To include the date, enter the following macro: cvdate
To include the report job ID, enter the following macro: cvjobid
Choose Report Template
Allows you to specify how the information in the report displays; select Default to display information according to CommCell entities.
Save As
Click to save the selected options as a report template or as a script file.
When you save the operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as needed.