This operation returns a list of workflows.
GET <webservice>/Workflow HTTP/1.1
Host: <host name>
Accept: {application/xml | application/json}
Authtoken: <authentication token>
where <webservice> is the root path used to route the API requests to the Web Server.
For more information, see Available Web Services for REST API.
Request Headers
Name |
Description |
Host |
The host name of the Web Server or Web Console used in the API request. |
Accept |
The format of the response. Valid values are: application/xml or application/json. |
Authtoken |
The authentication token received after successfully logging on. For details on receiving an authentication token, see Authentication. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
Element |
Parent Element |
version |
The version number of the workflow. |
container |
Workflow_GetWorkflowsResponse |
flags |
container |
Workflow_GetWorkflowsResponse |
description |
The description of the workflow. |
container |
Workflow_GetWorkflowsResponse |
uniqueGuid |
The globally unique identifier for the workflow. |
container |
Workflow_GetWorkflowsResponse |
revision |
container |
Workflow_GetWorkflowsResponse |
capabilities |
container |
Workflow_GetWorkflowsResponse |
workflowId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the workflow. |
entity |
container |
workflowName |
The name of the workflow. |
entity |
container |
userId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the user who created the workflow. |
creator |
container |
userGUID |
The globally unique identifier for the user who created the workflow. |
creator |
container |
userName |
The name of the user who created the workflow. |
creator |
container |
deployId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the workflow deployment. |
deployments |
container |
deployed |
The deployment date of the workflow. Valid values are UNIX-style timestamps (seconds since January 1, 1970). |
deployments |
container |
inputSchema |
deployments |
container |
inputsXml |
deployments |
container |
version |
The version number of the workflow that is deployed. |
deployments |
container |
flags |
deployments |
container |
description |
The description of the workflow. |
deployments |
container |
destPath |
inputForm |
deployments |
inputName |
The variable name of the workflow input, for example, clientGroupName. |
entries |
inputForm |
displayName |
The display name of the workflow input, for example, Client Group. |
entries |
inputForm |
defaultValue |
The default value for the input. Not all inputs have default values. |
entries |
inputForm |
typeOptions |
entries |
inputForm |
documentation |
The tooltip for the input. Not all inputs have tooltips. |
entries |
inputForm |
readOnly |
The option to mark the input as read-only. Valid values are 0 or 1. |
entries |
inputForm |
listType |
The option to store multiple variable values in the input. Valid values are 0 or 1. |
entries |
inputForm |
required |
The option to mark the input as required. Valid values are 0 or 1. |
entries |
inputForm |
inputType |
The variable type for the input, for example, java.lang.String, workflow.types.EncryptedString, or commvault.msgs.CvEntities.MediaAgentEntity. |
entries |
inputForm |
type |
Additional information about the inputType parameter, for example, {}string, {workflow.types}EncryptedString, or {commvault.msgs.CvEntities}MediaAgentEntity. |
entries |
inputForm |
controlType |
The control type for the input. For example, the input appears as a check box. Valid values are:
entries |
inputForm |
searchable |
entries |
inputForm |
val |
The default value for the input. If possible values are defined in the val parameter in the <options> element, one of the values can be the default value. |
defaultValues |
entries |
val |
The possible values for some control types. For example, for drop-down control types, the val parameter holds the values that appear in the drop-down box. |
options |
entries |
clientId |
The system-generated ID assigned to the client. |
client |
deployments |
clientName |
The name of the client. |
client |
deployments |
Sample Request
GET <webservice>/Workflow HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authtoken: QSDK 38568012f4d1e8ee1841d283a47aa3ba78e124ea58354b5fc6
Sample Response
{ "container": [{ "modifiedTime": 1516462193, "whatsNew": "", "flags": 6, "description": "Perform analytics on files and e-mail data", "version": 1, "revision": "$Revision: $", "uniqueGuid": "0fd0a7f2-7449-4dcb-ba1d-f7df06047ed5", "remoteRevision": "", "createdTime": 1516462193, "creator": { "userGUID": "60962A6D-24CC-4E3B-ACAD-AAD489F50EA7", "userName": "admin", "userId": 1 }, "deployments": [{ "inputsXml": "<inputs><clientGroupName class=\"commvault.msgs.CvEntities.ClientGroupEntity\"><clientGroupName /><clientGroupId /></clientGroupName><appType class=\"java.lang.String\">FileSystem</appType><analyticsEngine class=\"commvault.msgs.CvEntities.MediaAgentEntity\"><mediaAgentName /><mediaAgentId /></analyticsEngine><DiscoveryOutput class=\"java.lang.String\">C:\\Windows\\temp</DiscoveryOutput><WindowsUserName class=\"java.lang.String\" /><WindowsUserPassword class=\"workflow.types.EncryptedString\" /><clientType class=\"java.lang.String\">WINDOWS</clientType><clientsNameFile class=\"java.lang.String\">Generate File for NAS Subclients</clientsNameFile><PerformCCM class=\"java.lang.Boolean\" /><CommCellType class=\"java.lang.String\">Local</CommCellType><remotecommcell class=\"java.lang.String\" /><nParallelPush class=\"java.lang.Integer\" _list_=\"false\">2</nParallelPush></inputs>", "inputSchema": "<configuration xmlDefinition=\"\"><schema name=\"configuration\" className=\"\" defaultValue=\"\" listType=\"0\" attribute=\"0\" /></configuration>", "flags": 0, "description": "Perform analytics on files and e-mail data", "deployed": 1516728305, "deployId": 26, "version": 1, "client": { "clientId": 2, "clientName": "winter" }, "inputForm": { "destPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Commvault\\ContentStore\\iDataAgent\\JobResults", "entries": [{ "hidden": false, "displayName": "Client Group", "className": "commvault.msgs.CvEntities.ClientGroupEntity", "type": "{commvault.msgs.CvEntities}ClientGroupEntity", "listType": false, "required": true, "inputName": "clientGroupName", "minimumValue": "", "inputType": "commvault.msgs.CvEntities.ClientGroupEntity", "attribute": false, "documentation": "Select Client Group.", "readOnly": false, "searchable": false, "controlType": 2, "name": "clientGroupName", "maximumValue": "" }, { "hidden": false, "defaultValue": "FileSystem", "displayName": "Application Type", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": true, "inputName": "appType", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "documentation": "Please select the operation type.", "controlType": 2, "name": "appType", "options": [ "FileSystem", "VirtualServer", "NAS", "SystemDiscovery", "CleanupAnalyticsEngine" ], "defaultValues": [ "FileSystem" ] }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "Analytics Engine MA", "className": "commvault.msgs.CvEntities.MediaAgentEntity", "type": "{commvault.msgs.CvEntities}MediaAgentEntity", "listType": false, "required": true, "inputName": "analyticsEngine", "inputType": "commvault.msgs.CvEntities.MediaAgentEntity", "attribute": false, "documentation": "Select MA which has analytics engine running.", "controlType": 2, "name": "analyticsEngine" }, { "hidden": false, "defaultValue": "C:\\Windows\\temp", "displayName": "Temporary Working Area", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": true, "inputName": "DiscoveryOutput", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "documentation": "Enter directory for temporary work", "controlType": 0, "name": "DiscoveryOutput", "defaultValues": [ "C:\\Windows\\temp" ] }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "System Discovery Username", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "WindowsUserName", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "WindowsUserName" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "System Discovery Password", "className": "workflow.types.EncryptedString", "type": "{workflow.types}EncryptedString", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "WindowsUserPassword", "inputType": "workflow.types.EncryptedString", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "WindowsUserPassword" }, { "hidden": false, "defaultValue": "WINDOWS", "displayName": "System Discovery Client Type", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "clientType", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 2, "name": "clientType", "options": [ "WINDOWS", "UNIX", "NAS", "EXCHANGE" ], "defaultValues": [ "WINDOWS" ] }, { "hidden": false, "defaultValue": "Generate File for NAS Subclients", "displayName": "System Discovery Input File Path on Analytics MA", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "clientsNameFile", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "documentation": "File containing System Discovery Inputs.", "controlType": 0, "name": "clientsNameFile", "defaultValues": [ "Generate File for NAS Subclients" ] }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "Perform Commcell Migration", "className": "java.lang.Boolean", "type": "{}boolean", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "PerformCCM", "inputType": "java.lang.Boolean", "attribute": false, "controlType": 5, "name": "PerformCCM" }, { "hidden": false, "defaultValue": "Local", "displayName": "CommCell Type", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": true, "inputName": "CommCellType", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 2, "name": "CommCellType", "options": [ "Local", "Remote" ], "defaultValues": [ "Local" ] }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "Remote Commcell AliasName", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "remotecommcell", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "remotecommcell" }, { "hidden": false, "defaultValue": "2", "displayName": "Number of Parallel Solr Push", "className": "java.lang.Integer", "type": "{}integer", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "nParallelPush", "minimumValue": "", "inputType": "java.lang.Integer", "attribute": false, "documentation": "", "readOnly": false, "searchable": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "nParallelPush", "maximumValue": "", "defaultValues": [ "2" ] }], "properties": { "css": "", "javaScript": "", "width": 500, "height": 600 } } }], "entity": { "workflowName": "Analytics", "workflowId": 37 } }, { "modifiedTime": 1518022336, "whatsNew": "", "flags": 0, "description": "", "version": 1, "revision": "$Revision: $", "uniqueGuid": "26a5bf43-79be-4c14-857f-f0c8c4b4fbe3", "remoteRevision": "", "createdTime": 1518022336, "creator": { "userGUID": "60962A6D-24CC-4E3B-ACAD-AAD489F50EA7", "userName": "admin", "userId": 1 }, "deployments": [{ "inputsXml": "<inputs />", "inputSchema": "<configuration xmlDefinition=\"<configuration />\"><schema name=\"configuration\" className=\"\" defaultValue=\"\" type=\"\" listType=\"0\" attribute=\"0\" /></configuration>", "flags": 0, "description": "", "deployed": 1518022344, "deployId": 71, "version": 1, "client": { "clientId": 2, "clientName": "winter" }, "inputForm": { "destPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Commvault\\ContentStore\\iDataAgent\\JobResults", "properties": {} } }], "entity": { "workflowName": "LBS TEST I", "workflowId": 83 } }, { "modifiedTime": 1525710892, "whatsNew": "", "flags": 6, "description": "Worflow to merge duplicate clients", "version": 2, "revision": "$Revision: $", "uniqueGuid": "28a1067f-fb80-4334-a448-d3298538480f", "remoteRevision": "", "createdTime": 1521564051, "creator": { "userGUID": "60962A6D-24CC-4E3B-ACAD-AAD489F50EA7", "userName": "admin", "userId": 1 }, "deployments": [{ "inputsXml": "<inputs><ClientPairs class=\"java.lang.String\" _list_=\"false\" /></inputs>", "inputSchema": "<configuration xmlDefinition=\"<configuration />\"><schema name=\"configuration\" className=\"\" defaultValue=\"\" type=\"\" listType=\"0\" attribute=\"0\" /></configuration>", "flags": 0, "description": "Worflow to merge duplicate clients", "deployed": 1525711833, "deployId": 138, "version": 2, "client": { "clientId": 2, "clientName": "winter" }, "inputForm": { "destPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Commvault\\ContentStore\\iDataAgent\\JobResults", "entries": [{ "hidden": false, "displayName": "", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "ClientPairs", "minimumValue": "", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "documentation": "", "controlHidden": false, "readOnly": false, "searchable": false, "controlType": 1, "name": "ClientPairs", "maximumValue": "" }], "properties": { "css": "", "javaScript": "", "pageMode": 0, "formVersion": 0 } } }], "entity": { "workflowName": "MergeDuplicateClients", "workflowId": 87 } }, { "modifiedTime": 1516462195, "whatsNew": "", "flags": 6, "description": "creates user and groups for webconsole registrations", "version": 2, "revision": "$Revision: $", "remoteRevision": "", "createdTime": 1437163733, "creator": { "userGUID": "60962A6D-24CC-4E3B-ACAD-AAD489F50EA7", "userName": "admin", "userId": 1 }, "deployments": [{ "inputsXml": "<inputs><userName class=\"java.lang.String\" /><userEmail class=\"java.lang.String\" /><companyName class=\"java.lang.String\" /><userFullName class=\"java.lang.String\" /><userType class=\"java.lang.Integer\" /><userPassword class=\"workflow.types.EncryptedString\" /><userDescription class=\"java.lang.String\" /></inputs>", "inputSchema": "<configuration xmlDefinition=\"\"><schema name=\"configuration\" className=\"\" defaultValue=\"\" listType=\"0\" attribute=\"0\" /></configuration>", "flags": 0, "description": "creates user and groups for webconsole registrations", "deployed": 1516728250, "deployId": 13, "version": 2, "client": { "clientId": 2, "clientName": "winter" }, "inputForm": { "destPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Commvault\\ContentStore\\iDataAgent\\JobResults", "entries": [{ "hidden": false, "displayName": "User Name", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "userName", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "userName" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "User Email", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "userEmail", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "userEmail" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "Company Name", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "companyName", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "documentation": "", "controlType": 0, "name": "companyName" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "Full Name", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "userFullName", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "userFullName" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "User Type", "className": "java.lang.Integer", "type": "{}integer", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "userType", "inputType": "java.lang.Integer", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "userType" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "Password", "className": "workflow.types.EncryptedString", "type": "{workflow.types}EncryptedString", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "userPassword", "inputType": "workflow.types.EncryptedString", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "userPassword" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "User Description", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "required": false, "inputName": "userDescription", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 1, "name": "userDescription" }], "properties": {} } }], "entity": { "workflowName": "New User Signup", "workflowId": 22 } }, { "modifiedTime": 1516462213, "whatsNew": "", "flags": 14, "description": "Run this workflow to unsubscribe a subscription based alert.", "version": 22, "revision": "$Revision: $", "remoteRevision": "", "createdTime": 1516462213, "creator": { "userGUID": "60962A6D-24CC-4E3B-ACAD-AAD489F50EA7", "userName": "admin", "userId": 1 }, "deployments": [{ "inputsXml": "<inputs><clientName class=\"java.lang.String\" _list_=\"false\" /><AlertName class=\"java.lang.String\" _list_=\"false\" /><escalationlevel class=\"java.lang.Integer\" _list_=\"false\" /></inputs>", "inputSchema": "<configuration xmlDefinition=\"<configuration />\"><schema name=\"configuration\" className=\"\" defaultValue=\"\" type=\"\" listType=\"0\" attribute=\"0\" /></configuration>", "flags": 0, "description": "Run this workflow to unsubscribe a subscription based alert.", "deployed": 1516728463, "deployId": 61, "version": 22, "client": { "clientId": 2, "clientName": "winter" }, "inputForm": { "destPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Commvault\\ContentStore\\iDataAgent\\JobResults", "entries": [{ "hidden": false, "displayName": "", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "inputName": "clientName", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "clientName" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "", "className": "java.lang.String", "type": "{}string", "listType": false, "inputName": "AlertName", "inputType": "java.lang.String", "attribute": false, "controlType": 0, "name": "AlertName" }, { "hidden": false, "displayName": "", "className": "java.lang.Integer", "type": "{}integer", "listType": false, "inputName": "escalationlevel", "inputType": "java.lang.Integer", "attribute": false, "documentation": "", "controlType": 0, "name": "escalationlevel" }], "properties": {} } }], "entity": { "workflowName": "UnsubscribeAlert", "workflowId": 81 } }]