Restore Operations for Google User Accounts

You can browse and restore backed up Google mailboxes and Google Drive files and folders.

Restore Objectives

Your objective for restoring the content of Google user accounts determines the process that you must follow and the restore destination.

Restore Objective


Recover data from long-term storage

If you back up your content to tape for long-term storage, you must identify the corresponding media, and make sure that it is available for the recovery operation.

Restore data for a range of time

If you need to restore content for a range of time (for example, content that was deleted accidentally), you can browse and restore data based on the time range that you specify. Typically, you restore this content to an out-of-place destination.

Restore data to a point in time

If your Google content becomes corrupted or otherwise invalid, you can restore to a point in time before the content became unusable. Typically, you restore this content to an in-place destination.

Restore Method

You can restore Gmail and Google Drive data from the CommCell Console.

Browsing and Restoring Gmail and Google Drive Data Based on Backup Time

You can browse the Gmail and Google Drive data either from the most recent backup or from a previous point in time.

  • To browse and restore to a point in time, see:

  • To browse and restore from the most recent backup, see Browse the Latest Data.

  • In a basic restore, you can restore point-in-time data by specifying the time range options in the Advanced Restore Options (Time Range) dialog box.

    For instructions, see Browsing and Restoring Data between Specified Backup Times.

  • When you change the storage policy for a default subclient, and later want to restore to a point in time prior to the change of the storage policy, you must perform a full backup operation. Backed up content from the old storage policy is not considered as the recent cycle. So, if that backed up content exceeds its retention period, it is pruned.

Restore Destinations

The destination where you restore data is determined by your restore objective. Generally, you perform an in-place or an out-of-place restore.

In-place restore

When you restore a mailbox or a file in place, you restore it to the same path on the same client from which the mailbox or the file was backed up.

Out-of-place restore

When you restore a mailbox or a file out of place, you can restore it to any one of the following destinations:

  • to any folder in another mailbox

  • to a physical disk attached to a Cloud Apps-installed client
