Restoring Data from a Snapshot


When restoring data from a snapshot, note the following:

  • If the selected backup (latest or point-in-time) was an IntelliSnap backup, the subsequent restore will be an IntelliSnap restore.

  • During Snapshot restore operations, the database is first shut down and then the snapshots are restored. Once restored, the database is changed to mount mode for the recover operation.

  • In a Windows cluster environment, restore operations must be performed using the proxy computer.

Snapshots are mounted on the destination client where the restore is performed. Therefore, the destination client should have access to the storage array/filer where the snapshot was taken. If the destination client does not have access to the storage device you must restore the data from the snapshot using the proxy computer. You can restore an Oracle database on an ASM disk group using RMAN.

Restore the Data by Using a File System

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > Oracle.

  2. Right-click the instance, then go to All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. Select Latest Backup, and then click the View Content button.

  4. Optional: Use non-default browse and restore options. For more information, see Browse and Restore.

  5. Select the database, and then click the Recover All Selected button.

    The Oracle Restore Options dialog box appears.

  6. Depending on the type of restore to be run, click Restore in place or Restore out of place, and then click Next.

    The Oracle In Place Restore Options or Oracle Out of Place Restore Options dialog box appears.

  7. On the General tab select the name of the client computer from the Destination Client list, and then click Advanced.

    The Advanced Restore Options dialog box appears.

  8. On the General tab, click Use File System Restore.

    Note: The selected time is specific to the CommServe computer's time zone.

  9. To set the Commvault software to automatically move the database to the correct mode before the restore, on the Options tab, select the Switch Database Mode for Restore check box.

  10. Optional: Select the restore options.

    Set the Oracle Database ID

    The Oracle DBID is an internal, uniquely generated number that distinguishes the target database from the rest of the databases with the same name, in the recovery catalog. Oracle creates this number automatically when you create the database.

    You can use this option when:

    • There is no recovery catalog and you need to restore the control file or SP file from the autobackup

    • Multiple databases exist in the recovery catalog and you need to restore the control file

    On the Options tab, select the Set DBID check box.

    Open the database after the restore

    After a restore, set the Commvault software to automatically open the Oracle database. When the database is open, it records transactions.

    On the Options tab, select the Open DB check box.

    Reset the database and logs.

    By default, the database is automatically set to open, and the logs are reset.

    If you reset the logs to an open state, you can then reset the database.

    On the Options tab, select the Reset Database check box and one of the following Reset Log options:

    • To open the database without the RESETLOGS option, select None.

    • To open the database with the RESETLOGS option, select Yes.

    • To open the database with the NORESETLOGS option, select No.

    Validate the restore

    Validation verifies that the backup copies of the data and logs are intact and usable for restores. RMAN simulates the restore job without the media to determine whether the restore can be successfully performed.

    When a validate job is complete, you can view the job log files to identify and correct any issues.

    On the Options tab, select the Validate check box.

    Restore from a copy precedence

    If the backup is corrupted, restore from a storage policy copy instead of the backup.

    For more information on modifying the copy precedence of a storage policy copy, see Copy Precedence.

    On the Copy Precedence tab, select the Restore from Copy Precedence number check box and enter a copy precedence number.

  11. Click OK to close the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.

  12. Click OK to close the Restore Options dialog box and start the restore.

Restore by Using RMAN

Use the following steps to restore data from a snapshot using RMAN scripts. Note that logs are not restored using RMAN.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > Oracle.

  2. Right-click the instance, then go to All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. Select Latest Backup, and then click the View Content button.

  4. Optional: Use non-default browse and restore options. For more information, see Browse and Restore.

  5. Select the database, and then click the Recover All Selected button.

    The Oracle Restore Options dialog box appears.

  6. Depending on the type of restore to be run, click Restore in place or Restore out of place, and then click Next.

    The Oracle In Place Restore Options or Oracle Out of Place Restore Options dialog box appears.

  7. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Restore Options dialog box appears.

  8. On the General tab, click Use RMAN Restore.

  9. Click OK to close the Advanced Restore Options dialog box.

  10. Click OK to close the Restore Options dialog box and start the restore.

Restore by Using a Proxy Computer

  1. From the CommCell Browser, go to Client Computers > client > Oracle.

  2. Right-click the instance, then go to All Tasks > Browse and Restore.

    The Browse and Restore Options dialog box appears.

  3. Select Latest Backup, and then click the View Content button.

  4. Optional: Use non-default browse and restore options. For more information, see Browse and Restore.

  5. Select the database, and then click the Recover All Selected button.

    The Oracle Restore Options dialog box appears.

  6. Depending on the type of restore to be run, click Restore in place or Restore out of place, and then click Next.

    The Oracle In Place Restore Options or Oracle Out of Place Restore Options dialog box appears.

  7. Click Advanced.

    The Advanced Restore Options dialog box appears.

  8. On the Data Path tab, from the Use Proxy list, select the server that you want to use as a proxy.

    The restore will use the file system restore from snap when this option is selected.

  9. Click OK to save the settings and close the Advanced Restore Options window.

  10. Click OK to close the Restore Options window and initiate the restore job.