Salesforce Objects Not Included in Incremental Backups

The following objects are not supported for incremental backups because of Salesforce API restrictions:

  • ApexPageInfo

  • AuraDefinitionBundleInfo

  • ChatterConversation

  • ChatterConversationMember

  • ChatterMessage

  • CronJobDetail

  • DashboardComponent

  • DataType

  • FeedAttachment

  • KnowledgeArticleViewStat

  • KnowledgeArticleVoteStat

  • LoginHistory

  • Publisher

  • RecentlyViewed

  • ThirdPartyAccountLink

  • TwoFactorMethodsInfo

  • UserAppMenuItem

  • *__ViewStat

  • *__VoteStat

  • qbdialer__isTriggerConfig__mdt


The software performs full backups on Salesforce objects that do not support incremental backups.

Salesforce Objects That Are Not Included in Backups
