Setting Up Message Reply

With Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Web Console, you can view archived email messages in a Web browser. However, since you are viewing archived messages and not restoring messages, you cannot reply or reply all to the archived messages, nor can you forward archived messages. You must add these missing capabilities.


  • Message reply is supported for Microsoft Exchange 2007 or later.

  • Message reply is not supported for Office 365 with Exchange.


Before you set up message reply, make sure that you have installed Web Console.

Configuring the Web Server

  1. On the client where Web Server is installed, navigate to <software installation folder>\CVSearchService\.

  2. Open the file named Web.config in a text editor.

  3. Under <appsettings>, specify the EWS (Exchange Web Service URL for the CAS server computer by adding the following line:

    <add key="ewsurl" value="https://exchangeservername/ews/exchange.asmx" />


    ewsurl is the EWS URL for the CAS server computer. If there are multiple CAS servers behind the load balancer, then use the URL that resolves from the outside.

  4. Add the following line to specify which version of Exchange you use:

    • Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1 or later:

      <add key="exversion" value="Exchange2007_SP1" />

      Always enter Exchange2007_SP1, regardless of the actual service pack number.

    • Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2 or later:

      <add key="exversion" value="Exchange2010_SP2" />

      Always enter Exchange2010_SP2, regardless of the actual service pack number.

    • Exchange 2013 or later: You do not need to specify this version.

  5. Restart IIS services on the Web Server computer.


This example demonstrates the <appSettings> keys for Exchange 2010:

     <add key="INSTANCE_NAME" value="Instance001" /> 
     <add key="EDRM_PAGE_SIZE" value="10" /> 
     <add key="ewsurl" value="https://exchangeservername/ews/exchange.asmx" /> 
     <add key="exversion" value="Exchange2010_SP2" />

Assigning Impersonation Rights to the Service Account

You must assign impersonation rights (that is, Send As permission) to the service account so that it can send messages on behalf of a group of mailboxes. Impersonation rights allow the service account to:

  • access the mailbox on the specified Exchange server in the user scope

  • create folders for submission

  • read submitted emails within the created folders

You can use PowerShell to assign the impersonation rights.

Exchange 2010 or Later
  1. Run the following command to assign the ApplicationImpersonation role to the Impersonation Role Group, and to add the Service account to the Impersonation Role Group.

    New-RoleGroup -Name "Impersonation Role Group" -Roles "ApplicationImpersonation" -Members "<Service account>"
  2. Run the following command to add additional members to the Impersonation Role Group.

    Add-RoleGroupMember "Impersonation Role Group" -Member "<Service account2>"


    Service account2 is any additional member.

Exchange 2007
  • Run the following commands to assign impersonation rights to the service account.

    Get-ExchangeServer | where {$_.IsClientAccessServer -eq $TRUE} | ForEach-Object {Add-ADPermission -Identity $_.distinguishedname -User (Get-User -Identity "<Service account>" | select-object).identity -extendedRight ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation}
    Get-MailboxDatabase | ForEach-Object {Add-ADPermission -Identity $_.DistinguishedName -User "<Service account>" -ExtendedRights ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate}

Setting Message Size Limits

If you limit the size of messages that users can send, then users receive an error message when they forward messages that exceed the set limits, and the messages cannot be sent.

You can change the message size limits using Exchange Web Services (EWS). For more information, see the following Microsoft TechNet articles:

"Configure client-specific message size limits":

"Set Message Size Limits for Exchange Web Services":


After you have set up message reply, users can reply, reply all, and forward archived messages.

In addition, users can:

  • search contacts from the global address list (GAL)

  • add attachments to messages
