SQL Agent Configuration (SQL Configuration)


For the SQL Server agent, use this dialog box on the CommCell Console Control Panel to set advanced options for SQL database and log backups.

Report error for databases not in online state

Select this check box to report errors for databases that are not online. The job is reported as Completed with Errors (CWE).

Do not remove database from subclient if database is non-existent

If you clear the Report error for databases not in online state check box, then you can select this check box to automatically prevent the software from deleting the database from its subclient.

Allow differential/transaction log backups for read-only databases

Select this check box to allow differential and transaction log backups for databases that are marked as read-only.

The differential and transaction log backup jobs are separate and have unique IDs.

Allow transaction log backups for read-only databases

Select this check box to allow transaction log backups for databases that are marked as read-only.

Allow transaction log backups to be converted for simple recovery model databases

Select this check box to allow log backups for databases for which recovery model is set to simple.

Skip backup for single user mode databases

Select this check box to skip backups for SQL databases that are in the single user mode.

Skip availability replica check for copy only AG full backups

Select this check box to skip the replica check for copy only full backup operation of Always On databases.

Mark skipped databases failed during backup

Select this check box to mark those databases as failed which were skipped during a backup operation.

Allow backup for log shipping configured database

Select this check box to back up logs for primary databases in the native log shipping configuration. By default, log backups are skipped for primary databases to avoid LSN chain breakage.