Storage Management Permissions

The following permissions are in the Storage Management group.

Array Administration

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations


  • Add, edit, and delete array are not allowed.

  • Snapshot operations, other than delete snapshot or revert snapshot, are allowed from the associated client level.

Storage Array Node

  • Add, edit, and delete array are not allowed.

  • Snapshot operations, other than delete snapshot or revert snapshot, are allowed from the associated client level.

Array Management

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations


  • Add and delete array are not allowed.

  • Snapshot operations are allowed from the associated client level.

  • Edit array is allowed from the associated client level.

Storage Array Node

  • Add and delete array are not allowed.

  • Snapshot operations are allowed from the associated client level.

  • Edit array is permitted from the associated client level.

Storage Array

  • Add and delete array are not allowed.

  • Snapshot operations are allowed from the associated client level.

  • Edit array is allowed from the associated client level.

Library Administration

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Library / Client Computer Group

Perform the following functions:

  • Create/delete or modify scratch pools.

  • Move media between scratch pools.

  • Reset library, library controller.

  • Full scan.

  • Mark library fixed.

  • Properties of library, master drive pool, drive pool, drive, and media.

  • Validate drive.

  • Mark a drive cleaned.

  • Mark a drive replaced.

  • Mark a drive fixed.

  • Clean drive.

  • Reset drive.

  • Unload drive.

  • Import media, cleaning media.

  • Load media.

  • Mark media full, bad, and appendable.

  • Mark media exported, prevent media export, export media.

  • Verify media.

  • Move media.

  • Delete media.

  • Update barcode.

  • Unload media.

  • Export media or schedule export media.


    Users who are not a member of the View All user group would not be able to view/browse the export locations. However, they can manually enter the export location and successfully complete the export operation.

  • Recall media

  • View contents.

  • Inventory, Scheduled Inventory for Blind Library.

  • Stamp media in stand alone libraries.

Library Management

Library Management is a superior permission with critical library management rights, in addition to all the rights in Library Administration permission.

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Library / Client Computer Group

Perform the following functions:

  • Erase spare media.

  • Delete contents.

  • Overwrite Media options.

  • Create/delete or modify scratch pools.

  • Move media between scratch pools.

  • Reset library, library controller.

  • Full scan.

  • Mark library fixed.

  • Properties of library, master drive pool, drive pool, drive, and media.

  • Validate drive.

  • Mark a drive cleaned.

  • Mark a drive replaced.

  • Mark a drive fixed.

  • Clean drive.

  • Reset drive.

  • Unload drive.

  • Import media, cleaning media.

  • Load media.

  • Mark media full, bad, and appendable.

  • Mark media exported, prevent media export, export media.

  • Verify media.

  • Move media.

  • Delete media.

  • Update barcode.

  • Unload media.

  • Export media or schedule export media.


    Users who are not a member of the View All user group would not be able to view/browse the export locations. However, they can manually enter the export location and successfully complete the export operation.

  • Recall media

  • View contents.

  • Inventory, Scheduled Inventory for Blind Library.

  • Stamp media in stand alone libraries.

Manage Distributed Storage

The MSP administrator can assign this permission to a peer MSP administrator or tenant administrator.

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Distributed Storage

  • Access the Distributed Storage navigation item on the Command Center.

  • Launch the user interface associated with Distributed Storagefrom the Command Center.

  • Use Distributed Storage during plan creation for copy data management and during recovery target creation for disaster recovery.

MediaAgent Management

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations


Deconfigure the MediaAgent CommCell object.

  • MediaAgent / Client Computer Group
  • Modify MediaAgent properties including the Index Cache, and perform MediaAgent operations.

  • Change the name of a MediaAgent.

To enable these tasks or operations, go to Control Panel > Media Management, and on the Service Configuration tab, set Provide user with MediaAgent management rights additional capabilities for libraries, data paths, and storage policies to 1.

  • Access Expert Storage Configuration window to configure or deconfigure libraries and drives.

  • Create, modify, and delete storage policies and storage policy copies using libraries associated with a MediaAgent.

  • Add data paths to a MediaAgent.

MediaAgents associated with the HyperScale Storage Pool

Create and manage a HyperScale Storage Pool.

Deduplication Database

Enable or disable physical pruning

To enable this task or operation, set the value for the parameter Provide user with MediaAgent management rights additional capabilities for libraries, data paths, and storage policies to 1. For more information, see Media Management Configuration: Service Configuration.

Register Distributed Storage

All MSP administrators and MSP users are assigned the Register Distributed Storage permission, by default.

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Distributed Storage

  • Access Distributed Storage on the Command Center.

  • Register, modify, and delete Distributed Storage clusters.

  • Launch the Distributed Storage user interface from the Command Center.

  • Use Distributed Storage during plan creation for copy data management and during recovery target creation for disaster recovery.

  • Enable users or user groups to register, manage, or use Distributed Storage.


For more information on accessing Distributed Storage through the Command Center, see Distributed Storage.

Use Distributed Storage

The MSP administrator must create a role with this permission and assign it to the users who need to use Distributed Storage for storage data management solutions.

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations

Distributed Storage

Use registeredDistributed Storage during plan creation for copy data management and during recovery target creation for disaster recovery.

Vault Tracker Operations

Associated CommCell Entities

Available Tasks/Operations


Add, delete, and modify any of the following objects or operations:

  • Actions

  • Containers

  • Export Media from Backup/Auxiliary Copy Operations

  • Export Media using the Export Media Wizard

  • Iron Mountain ID

  • Library

  • Location

  • Media Repository

  • Recall Media

  • Tracking Policy

  • Vault Tracker Alerts

  • Vault Tracker Reports


    This operation also requires the Report Management permission. Only information about objects available with the user's current Vault Tracker Operations permission level are displayed in the report.

Entities other than CommCell

  • Actions: details, set container, abort, picked up, reached destination

  • Containers: modify, delete, move all media, remove all media

  • Library: view and modify at the Vault tracker policy

  • Location: modify, delete

  • Media Repository: modify, delete, update barcode, add media

  • Tracking Policy: run, modify, delete, view media, view schedules, create schedules, set holidays

  • Vault Tracker Policy: create
