Viewing Data Collection Job Details

You can view information about completed or active data collection jobs for Sensitive Data Governance.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Data Insights.

    The Data Insights page appears.

  2. Under Risk Analysis, click Sensitive data governance.

    The Sensitive data governance page appears.

  3. In the Projects table, click the project name.

    The project dashboard appears.

  4. On the Data sources tab, click the data source name.

    The data source dashboard appears.

  5. View the job details for an active job or a completed job:

    • To view the job details for an active job, in the Active jobs tab, click the job ID.

    • To view the job details for a completed job, in the Job History tab, click the job ID.

    The Job number summary page appears. For information about the job summary page, see Job Summary.
