Workload Usage by Capacity in the Growth and Trends Report

The Workload Usage by Capacity tab in the Growth and Trends report displays the amount of capacity license used by all workloads over time.

Total Usage by Workloads Chart

This chart displays the amount of capacity covered by all licenses and consumed by all workloads in each month in the previous year. To view more detailed information about capacity use, such as the amount of capacity consumed for each workload, click the details button report details button.

Complete (Backup + Archive) Usage by Workloads Chart

This chart displays the amount of capacity covered by the Complete license and consumed by all workloads in each month in the previous year. To view more detailed information about capacity use, such as the amount of capacity consumed for each workload, click the details button report details button.

Snapshot Usage by Workloads Chart

This chart displays the amount of capacity covered by the Snapshot license and consumed by all workloads in each month in the previous year. To view more detailed information about capacity use, such as the amount of capacity consumed for each workload, click the details button report details button.

Replication Usage by Workloads Chart

This chart displays the amount of capacity covered by the Replication license and consumed by all workloads in each month in the previous year. To view more detailed information about capacity use, such as the amount of capacity consumed for each workload, click the details button report details button.

Growth Details - Workload Usage by Capacity Table

This table displays the amount of capacity license consumed by all workloads in previous months and the current month, the consumption growth rate, and projected future usage. To view this table, you must click the details button report details button in one of Workload Usage by Capacity charts.



Workload ID

The unique ID for the feature.


The type of data that's backed up. For example, workloads include products such as SQL Server, VMware vCenter, and Windows Server.

Latest Trended Month

The most recent completed month with usage data.

Latest Used (TB)

The most recent amount of consumed license in TB.

Previous Month 1 Used

The amount of license used in the previous month.

Previous Month 2 Used

The amount of license used two months ago.

Latest Month Change (TB)

The difference between the amount of license used in the current month and the previous month.

Previous Month Change (TB)

The difference between the amount of license used in the current month and two months ago.

Growth Rate (TB/Month)

The average amount of license used over the previous 12 months.

Projected Usage After 6 Months (TB)

The amount of license predicted to be used over the next 6 months.

Projected Usage After 12 Months (TB)

The amount of license predicted to be used over the next 12 months.

Projected Usage After 18

The amount of license predicted to be used over the next 18 months.
