The following table describes the supported DB2 subclient parameters.
Parameter |
Description of Parameter Values |
appName |
The name of the application. For Windows, use 'DB2'. For UNIX, use 'DB2 on Unix'' |
clientName |
The name of the client computer, as displayed in the CommCell Console where the instance is located |
instanceName |
The name of the DB2 instance |
backupsetName |
The backup set name |
subclientName |
The subclient name |
encryptionFlag |
Enable encryption Valid values are:
description |
The subclient description |
enableBackup |
Option to allow backups. Set this to true. |
networkAgents |
Number of network agents. Range: 1-4. |
softwareCompression |
Enable compression on the client or MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:
throttleNetworkBandwidth |
Enhance backup performance by reducing network bandwidth overhead. Range: 2-2147483647. |
applicableReadSize |
The amount of application data backup jobs read for each unit transferred to the MediaAgent. |
storagePolicyName |
The data backup storage policy for the Oracle data backup. |
enableDeduplication |
Enable or disable deduplication Valid values are:
generateSignature |
Deduplication signature generated on the client or MediaAgent computer. Valid values are:
preBackupCommand |
The script to run before a backup starts. |
postBackupCommand |
The script to run after the backup completes. |
runPostBackup |
Run the post-process script even if the restore job failed Valid values are:
isSnapBackupEnabled |
Enable or disable IntelliSnap Valid values are:
snapShotEngineName |
The IntelliSnap engine name. |
snapToTapeProxyToUse/clientName |
The proxy client name. |
snapToTapeProxyToUseSource |
Use the source if the proxy is unavailable. Valid values are:
db2BackupMode |
Specifies manner in which data file backups for this Subclient will be conducted. Valid values are:
contentOperationType |
This can only be set when the db2backupType is 'DATABASE_SUBSET'. Add or delete subclient content. Valid values are:
db2NumberofBuffer |
Specifies the number of buffers for the backup. Valid values are 1-1000. |
db2BufferSize |
The size in KB of each buffer Valid values are 8-1000. |
db2Parallelism |
Specifies the number of table spaces to be read in parallel for restore Valid values are 0-1000. |
db2UseCompression |
Specifies whether to compress the backup Valid values are:
db2BackupData |
Backup the data. Valid values are:
db2BackupType |
Specifies whether to backup the entire database. Can only be used when db2BackupData is 'true'. Valid Values are
db2Content/db2DataFile |
Specifies the DB2 data to backup. Can only be used when db2BackupData is 'True and db2BackupType is 'DATABASE_SUBSET'. |
db2BackupLogFiles |
Backup the logs. Valid values are:
db2DeleteLogFilesAfter |
Delete the log files. Can only be set when db2backupLogFiles is 'True'. Valid values are:
db2DisableSwitchCurrentLog |
Set Disable Switch Current Log This can be set if db2BackupLogFiles is 'True' and db2BackupData is 'False'. Valid values are:
db2SubclientProp/numberOfBackupStreams |
Specifies the maximum number of data backup streams. Valid values are:
enableTableBrowse |
Specifies whether you can browse and restore a DB2 table. Valid values are:
db2UseDedupeDevice |
When this is enabled, the DB2 deduplication parameter DEDUP_DEVICE is used. This feature is available starting on DB2 version 9.7 with FixPack 3. For additional information on the DB2 DEDUP_DEVICE parameter, go to the DB2 Knowledge Center, DEDUP_DEVICE. Valid values are: