Adding a DB2 Database Instance


To manage a DB2 database, add an instance for the database server.

For more information about DB2 agent configuration, see configuration.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The Database Overview tab appears.

  2. On the Instance tab, from the Add Instance list, select Database server

    The Configure Database Instance dialog box appears.

  3. Select DB2 and click Next.

  4. From the Server name list, select the server where you want to create the instance.

  5. In the Instance name box, type a name for the instance.

  6. From the Plan list, select the plan to use for the instances and databases.

    The plan specifies how often the software backs up the instances and databases.

  7. In the DB2 Home box, type the full path to the DB2 home directory.

  8. To specify the DB2 user account used to access the DB2 application, in the User name box type the user name and in the Password box type the password.

  9. Click Add.


Databases that are available under the added instance will be discovered automatically.

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