Adding a Setting for Servers


You can add and configure settings specific to a server on the corresponding server page in the Command Center.

You can configure the settings appearing by default on the Settings tile of the Configuration tab in the Command Center for the server entity. These settings are a subset of the related settings list for the server entity.

Add the other required server settings to configure server settings other than the default settings listed on the server page.

Default Server Settings

On the server page, on the Configuration tab, on the Settings tile, these settings are listed by default.

Label Description
sExcludeExtensions Use this setting at the client level or client group level to specify an extension that you want to skip from anomaly monitoring.
sCSINTERFACELIST Add this setting with comma separated list of CommServe interfaces (on both production and standby nodes) for clients to connect to, without relying on DNS.
sAnomalyFilters Use this setting at the client level or client group level to specify a path that you want to skip from anomaly monitoring.
qosDscp Use this setting to set DSCP values to adjust the Quality of Service (QoS) of the Commvault network traffic.
passwordComplexityLevel Use this setting to enforce password complexity.
nUseVSSSoftwareProvider This key is used to override the automatic Windows VSS provider selection logic and instead explicitly engage the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy VSS provider for streaming backup modes that leverage VSS for accessing data from consistent Shadow Copies rather than live volumes.
nNumPipelineBuffers Sets the number of pipeline buffers. This can be used to tweak performance.
nHideApps Use this setting to hide all the end user apps that are on the laptop and their shortcuts.
bFailDDBJobIfSnapCreationFails Use this setting to specify whether the backup operation of deduplication database will fail or proceed when the operation cannot create a snapshot.
bDisableGeoLocation This setting when enabled stops tracking the geographical location of a client and the maps will not be displayed in the command center.
WebConsoleURL This setting is used to configure default URL in a CommCell environment that has multiple servers with Web Console/command Center installed.
UseCacheDB Use the setting to enable source-side cache for DASH copy.
UseAuxcopyReadlessPlus You can optimize the signature lookup process by setting up the local source-side disk cache on the source MediaAgent. After you set up the local source-side cache, the signatures are first looked up in the local source-side cache. A remote lookup is initiated when the signatures are not available in the local source-side cache. The lookup in the local source-side cache reduces the response time for a signature comparison in a network with high latency.
FailedLoginAttemptLimit Use this setting to set the maximum number of login attempts before a user account is locked.
The default number of invalid login attempts from the Command Center and the Commcell Console after which a user account is locked, is 5.
DisableGeoLocation When enabled, this setting stops tracking the geographical location for all the clients on the CommServe server.
AutoClassifyTenantActionPending This setting automatically classifies the client and subclient from the SLA for "customer action pending" based on the following criteria.
AccountLockDuration This setting sets the number of seconds a locked account remains locked. The values can range from 0 to 2592000 seconds (30 days).


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Manage > Servers.

    The Servers page appears.

  2. In the Name column, click the server for which you want to manage server settings.

    The server page appears.

  3. Click the Configuration tab.

  4. In the Settings section:



    Add a setting

    • Click ADD.

    Modify a setting

    • Click Pencil

    Delete a setting

    • Click delete_data_source.


    You cannot delete the default settings on the Settings tile.

You can also add settings for both servers and server groups in one place under Manage > System. For more information, see Additional Settings.

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