Adding Two Organizations as Domain Controller Entities for Different Companies

You can add separate organizations from the same LDAP domain controller as domain controller entities associated with different companies for multi-tenant environments in the Command Center.

Before You Begin

  • You must have configured your environment as a multi-tenant environment. For more information, see Multi-Tenant Environment.


The following procedure assumes that you have two companies (CompanyA and Company B) in your environment, and you want to create a domain controller entity for each company based on different organizational units (Finance and Marketing) from the same domain controller (

  1. Create a domain controller for CompanyA using the Finance organization in the domain

    1. Follow the procedure for adding a subset of domain objects as a domain controller.

    2. Click the Create for company list, and then select CompanyA.

    3. In the Attribute map section, replace the base DN value with the distinguishedName of the Finance organization, OU=Finance,DC=Example,DC=com.

    4. Click Save.

  2. Create a domain controller for CompanyB using the Marketing organization in the domain controller

    1. Follow the procedure for adding a subset of domain objects as a domain controller.

    2. Click the Create for company list, and then select CompanyB.

    3. In the Attribute map section, replace the base DN value with the distinguishedName of the Marketing organization, OU=Marketing,DC=Example,DC=com.

    4. Click Save.

    The two domain controllers (both named Example and associated with CompanyA and CompanyB, respectively) appear in the Identity servers list.
