Configuring Subscription Schedules


The MSP administrator can select the reports for which the tenant administrators or operators can choose to view and subscribe the report.


  1. From the navigation pane, click Reports.

    The Reports page appears.

  2. In the reports list, click the report that you want to grant access for tenant subscription.

    The report page appears.

  3. At the top-right of the page, click More actions > Security.

    The Security dialog box appears.

  4. You can provide access to the report subscription for the following entity:

    1. For individual tenant admin or operator, type and select the name of the tenant admin or operator, and then from the Permissions drop-down list select Execute Report check box.

    2. For all tenant admins and operators, type and select All Tenant Admins, and then from the Permissions drop-down list select Execute Report check box.

  5. Click Add (+).

  6. Click Update.

  7. To schedule the report for tenant admins and operators, click More actions > Schedule.

    The Add schedule dialog box appears.

  8. Move the Allow tenant to subscribe toggle key to the right.

  9. To modify the report schedule, you can change the name, format, location, frequency, and time.


    The schedule name must be generic without any complex term for easy identification.

  10. Click Save.

    The report can be subscribed for schedule by the tenant admins and tenant operators.

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