Modifying the Roles Associated with a MediaAgent


You can add or remove a role associated with a MediaAgent.


The software automatically removes DDB role for a MediaAgent when all the DDB partitions are moved from the MediaAgent.

Before You Begin


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Storage > Disk.
    The Disk page appears.
  2. Click the disk storage that you want to associate a MediaAgent with.
    The disk storage page appears.
  3. Click the Backup locations tab.
  4. To add a role to a MediaAgent, in the Associated MediaAgents section, for the MediaAgent you want to add role for, click the Action button, and then click Add role.
  5. To remove a role for a MediaAgent, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Associated MediaAgents section, for the MediaAgent you want to remove role for, click the Action button, and then click Remove roles.
      The Confirm remove roles dialog box appears.
    2. Under Roles, select the roles you want to remove.
    3. Click Save.
      If you removed all the roles, then the MediaAgent disappears from the Associated MediaAgents section.

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