Moving the Private Metrics Reporting Server to a New Host


If you want to upgrade only your Metrics Reporting Server instead of the entire CommServe software, or if your CommCell environment grows beyond 200 clients, you can move the Private Metrics Reporting Server to a different, dedicated server. To relocate your Private Metrics Reporting Server, you must move the CVCloud database, and then install the latest version of Metrics Reporting to a different server.

For standalone installations of the Metrics Reporting Server, you must install an instance of the SQL Server Agent to be used for disaster recovery backups of the CVCloud database.

During the installation, you must provide the name and location of the production CommServe computer to associate it with the Metrics Reporting Server.


  1. Back up the CVCloud database:

    • If the Metrics Reporting Server is installed on the production CommServe server, back up the CVCloud database using SQL Server Management Studio. For instructions, see Create a Full Database Backup (SQL Server).

    • If the Metrics Reporting Server is installed on a dedicated server, run a full backup operation for the CVCloud database using the SQL agent. For instructions, see Backing Up SQL Databases.

  2. Restore the CVCloud database:

    • If you used SQL Server Management Studio to back up the CVCloud database, copy the CVCloud .dmp file to a location on the new server, and then restore the CVCloud database using SQL Server Management Studio. For instructions, see Complete Database Restores (Full Recovery Model).


      Using SQL Server Management Studio for backup, the CVCloud database file will be backed up with the .bak extension which must be modified to .dmp and then copy it to the new server.

    • If you used the SQL agent to run a full backup, restore the CVCloud database to the new dedicated server. For instructions, see Restoring SQL Databases Out of Place.

  3. On the new server, enable Internet Information Services (IIS), and then install the following components:

  4. If the CVCloud database and the CommServe database are not on the same version, Upgrade the restored CVCloud database using the DBUpgradeTool.

    If the CVCloud database and the CommServe database are on the same version, then this step is optional.

  5. Update the data collection settings on the production CommServe server to use the new Download and Upload URLs for the new Metrics Reporting Server location.

  6. Upload the data from your production CommServe.

  7. Disable or uninstall the old Metrics Reporting Server:

    • If you moved the Metrics Reporting Server from the production CommServe server to a dedicated server, then on the production CommServe server, disable the Private Metrics Reporting Server. On the production CommServe server, from the command prompt, type the following command:

      qoperation execscript -sn SetKeyIntoGlobalParamTbl.sql -si commservMetricsReportingServerEnabled -si y -si 0
    • If you moved the Metrics Reporting Server from one dedicated server to another, then uninstall the Commvault software from the old dedicated server. For instructions, see Uninstalling the CommServe Software.

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