Pruning Archived Files From the Private Metrics Reporting Server


You can configure the Private Metrics Reporting Server to prune all files from the Archive folder, Blocked folder, Failed folder, or the files that are waiting to be processed by using a Qscript that is available on the Commvault Store. This Qscript removes all files from the specified folder after the specified number of days to make space for new data on your Private Metrics Reporting Server.

Space is reclaimed from the Archive and Blocked folders first. After the Archive and Blocked folders are pruned, do not decrease the default values of the Failed folder or the files that are waiting to be processed unless you need to reclaim more space. Aggressively pruning files from the Failed folder and files that are waiting to be processed can interfere with troubleshooting efforts.

Before You Begin

You must have the Administrative Management permission at the CommCell level to run QScripts.


  1. Download SetKeyMetricsConfig.sqle from the Commvault Store and save it to the CommServe computer.

  2. From the command prompt, run the qlogin command.

  3. Run the SetKeyMetricsConfig QScript using the following command:

    qscript -f SetKeyMetricsConfig.sqle - i <Key> y <value>

    Where: <Key> is the folder name

    And <value> is the number of days to retain data before pruning



    Default Value

    Set the pruning interval for the Archive Folder



    Set the pruning interval for the Blocked Folder



    Set the pruning interval for the Failed Folder



    Set the pruning interval for files that are waiting to be processed



  4. On the Private Metrics Reporting server, restart the Commvault Communications Service (GxCVD) services.


The prune operation does not run immediately. The operation prunes the folders at 12:00 a.m.

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