Restores for VMware

For VMware virtual machines, you can restore full VMs, guest files and folders, or virtual machine disk (VMDK) files, and you can restore a disk and attach it to an existing VM.

You can also convert a VMware VM backup to Hyper-V.

You can configure a VMware hypervisor to perform IntelliSnap backups. From the snap copy, you can restore full VMs, restore a disk and attach it to an existing VM, and restore guest files and folders.

You can initiate a restore operation from the VM groups page, from the Virtual machines page, or from the detail page for a VM. When you initiate a restore operation for a specific VM from the VM groups page or from the Virtual machines page, you can choose to restore the full VM, to use live recovery, or to perform a live mount operation.

You can also restore settings for Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).

End User Restores

End users can restore VMs either in place or out of place. For this scenario, the VM display name option is the only value the user can change on the Restore options dialog box.

Users can also restore a virtual machine disk to an existing VM. The disks are restored and attached to the destination VM.

If the VM display name is the same as an existing VM on the destination, the restore fails.

If an admin user defines a recovery target and associates a user or a user group with the recovery target, any user who is associated with the recovery target can restore a VM out of place and select a recovery target from the Destination list.

Restores You Can Perform

  • Full virtual machines

  • Guest files and folders

  • Disk files

  • Attaching disks to an existing virtual machine

  • Virtual machine files

Backups You Can Use for Restores

  • The most recent backup: For example, restore the most recent backup to its original location

  • A backup from a specific date: For example, restore data to a point in time before it became unusable

  • Backups from a date range: For example, restore data that was accidentally deleted

Destinations You Can Restore To

  • The current location (in place)

  • A different VM (out of place)

  • A guest agent

  • A different hypervisor (cross-hypervisor restore)
