Restoring to the Current Location (In Place)


You can restore a PostgreSQL database to its current location (in place).

To recover only the data, perform the restore by using a full backup.


  1. From the navigation pane, go to Protect > Databases.

    The database Overview page appears.

  2. Go to the Instances tab.

  3. Click the instance that you want to restore.

    The instance Overview page appears.

  4. In the Recovery points calendar tile, select FSBasedBackupSet or DumpBasedBackupSet.

  5. Select a date from the calendar, and then click Restore.

    The Backup content page appears.

    On Backup content page, click Change source option from the top-right corner to change the source copy or media agent.


    Ensure that you have performed a successful backup on the selected date.

  6. Select the database(s) and click Restore.

    The Restore options dialog box appears.

  7. On the In place tab, the Destination server and Destination instance are selected by default.

  8. In the Number of streams box, enter the number of streams that are applicable for snapshot or backup copy restores.

  9. In the Number of streams box, enter the number of data streams to use in the restore operation.

  10. For DumpBasedBackupSet, to restore database using parallel jobs, in the Number of parallel jobs box, enter the number of parallel jobs to restore the database.

  11. In the Staging Path box, enter the path to stage the database dump. The staging location must have sufficient space based on the selection of databases for restore. Maximum of four databases can be staged at a time.

  12. Select the Stage global objects file check box to stage the global objects information.

  13. From the Select MediaAgent list, select a media agent server name.

  14. Under Pre or Post options, do the following:

    • In the Pre recovery command box, enter the name or path of the process to run before the restore.

    • In the Post recovery command box, enter the name or path of the process to run after the restore.

    • If you want to initiate the restore as user, move the Run as User toggle button to right.

      • In the User name box, enter a user name you want to run the restore with.
  15. To send a notification email when the restore job completes, select the When the job completes, notify me via email.

  16. Click Submit.

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